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A Letter From Ken Timmerman: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

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Every now and then you see a headline that makes you smile. This one made me laugh out loud…

Andy Woods and Jim McGowan: Pastors Point of View 299

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Revisionism, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Gaza refugees

China Dumps $74B in US Treasuries in One Year As Two BRICS Nations Say They’ve Abandoned Dollar in Mutual Trade

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As the US 2024 election gets close, the threat against the world’s lone reserve currency is at the top of the list. But there are more…

Night of Broken Glass at Columbia

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Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, was the Nazi dictatorship’s declaration of war against Jews…

Olive Tree Ministries Newsletter: The Two-minute Warning

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They were betrayed in Europe, and it is happening again, and now they are reading the handwriting on the wall!…

Damascus Foretold Fate Forming…

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“Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap”…