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Tag: Law

Sunday Study: LAW and GRACE

For whoever shall keep the whole law, yet stumbles at one point is guilty of breaking law” James 2:10.

It has to be all the law, all the time ,otherwise the law is of no benefit to you as a means of attaining righteousness.

The “Law” was given that men might know what sin is, “for by the ‘Law’ is the knowledge of sin,” (Rom 3: 20).

And also:

Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come.” Galatians 3:19

Click HERE to read today’s devotional.

grace, Law, Messiah, righteousness

SUNDAY STUDY: Death and Hades Were Cast Into the Lake of Fire

Today’s Post is a compilation from Jack Kelley’s studies of Sheol, Hades, Paradise, and the Lake of Fire (

Hell is not just eternal separation from God, not just a place of isolation. It is a place of torment, and it lasts forever, Revelation 20:14-15.

Click HERE to read today’s Study.


Abraham, death, eternity, grace, Great White Throne Judgment, Hades, heaven, hell, Jack Kelley, Lake of FIre, Law, Paradise, salvation, Sheol