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126 Nations to Attend BRICS Summit to Discuss Leaving US Dollar

Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent:

The annual BRICS Municipal Conference in Russia this October is expected to draw representatives from 126 nations with a view to possibly joining the bloc and leaving the US dollar for a new BRICS common currency.

BRICS is an intergovernmental, geopolitical bloc that has coordinated multilateral policies since 2009. Originally comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the BRICS bloc now includes Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates as well.

Ahead of October’s annual summit, the Brazil’s President last month called for BRICS nations to create a common currency for trade and investment among themselves in order to reduce their susceptibility to US dollar exchange rate fluctuations, Reuters reported in August.

However, Reuters noted in its report last month, the dollar continues to dominate world trade. “De-dollarising would need countless exporters and importers, as well as borrowers, lenders and currency traders across the world, to independently decide to use other currencies,” Reuters said.

Nevertheless, the growing number of developing countries that are interested in joining BRICS and ending their dependence on the US dollar for trade may ultimately amount to a challenge to the US dollar’s hegemonic status.

Opinion: Financial experts have so successfully downplayed Saudi Arabia’s exit (from the 50 year old Petrodollar agreement that  allows the kingdom to sell oil in various currencies) is a welcome sign for those countries looking at options other than the dollar use.

The attendance of 126 nations at this meeting demonstrates a distinct trend: a large number of countries are reassessing their economic dependence. As nations look into alternative currencies and economic relationships, the US dollar’s dominance – long regarded as the world’s reserve currency – is at risk, as per the Dinar Chronicles. source

Only a few prophecy watchers are paying attention to the assault being planned against the US dollar. That includes me.

I have talked about it on Prophecy Today Radio with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. (here)  and a podcast with Pastor JB Hixson (here). I will have to admit that lack of coverage of the petrodollar’ demise had me questioning myself. No longer.


June 9, 2023, Saudi Arabia fails to renew the petrodollar agreement.

January 1. 2024, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, So. Africa) became BRICS+ with the addition of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Iran to its membership rolls.

Do you see a plan developing?

The financial world did not. World leaders yawned and repeated the ‘King Dollar Forever’ mantra, despite all this going on under the noses of the weakest US president in recent history.

That BRICS+ wants out of the US dollar and is creating a common currency for trade among themselves is  no longer a secret.

That Jay Powell said in April 2023 that he could see a second reserve currency is no secret (here).

That China, the most powerful BRICS+ nation has already instituted a digital yuan and made cryptocurrencies illegal, is no secret.

And that the Mises Institute has said that central bank digital currencies could bring hyperinflation (here) lines up with Revelation 6:5-6, the 4th judgment of the apocalypse, is now out in the open for all to see.

(Summit Dates – October 22-24)

BRICS, Jay Powell, King dollar, Revelation 6. petrodollar, US dollar, world reserve currency