Christmas Eve 2024: The Shepherds, the Tower, the Sign, the Gospel
God’s prophecy of the woman’s Seed (Gen. 3:15) is fulfilled in the Baby born to the virgin!
Jesus, God’s own sacrificial Lamb, was born in the same location as the sacrificial lambs for the Temple.
Jesus’ birthplace was in the traditional location for Passover lambs to be born, since He became the Passover Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. However, the traditions of Mishnah (oral Torah – Rabbinic literature) cannot be accepted unconditionally; if there is a Biblical basis, then the tradition is valid, as in this case.
“Satan will not prevail to the destruction of mankind. He and his works will be destroyed by the great Redeemer, signified by the breaking of his head. Though what was said was addressed to the serpent, yet it was said in the hearing of our first parents, who, doubtless, took the hints of grace here given them, and saw a door of hope opened to them, else the following sentence upon themselves would have overwhelmed them. Here was the dawning of the gospel day. No sooner was the wound given than the remedy was provided and revealed.” (A. Edersheim)
Alfred Edersheim, Bethlehem, Christmas Eve, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Lamb of God, Micah 4:8, Migdal Eder, shepherds fields, Tower of the flock, virgin birth