Author: Editor
SUNDAY STUDY: Why The Tribulation?
Church age, Daniel 9, Millenium, Time of Jacob's trouble, tribulation, verse by verse ministry
SUNDAY STUDY: Does God Call Everyone?
free will, glorification, Jack Kelley, justification, predestination, sanctification
SUNDAY STUDY: Abortion: Is It a Woman’s Choice?
conception, embryo, fertilization, human beings, Ken Ham, pro-choice, pro-life
SUNDAY STUDY: God of Jacob, God of Israel
Abraham Isaac and Jacob, Dave Hunt, eternal blessings, Hank Hanegraaf, Replacement Theology Covenant Theology, unconditional covenants
SUNDAY STUDY: Atonement and Redemption, Same or Different?
Arnold Fruchtenbaum, blood atonement, Law, Messiah, propitiation, redemption, sin
SUNDAY STUDY: Creation and the New Year
Creation, God's word, Henry Morris, ICR, New Year, salvation
Happy New Year 2025!
assurance, eternal security, Happy New Year, Oswald Chambers
SUNDAY STUDY: After Christmas
Christmas Eve 2024: The Shepherds, the Tower, the Sign, the Gospel
Alfred Edersheim, Bethlehem, Christmas Eve, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Lamb of God, Micah 4:8, Migdal Eder, shepherds fields, Tower of the flock, virgin birth
SUNDAY STUDY #2: Signs of Christmas
SUNDAY STUDY: Rapture and Revelation
Dispensational Premillennialism, Millenial Kingdom, Revelation, second coming, the Church, William E. Blackstone