Philippine Police To Shoot Dead Virus-Lockdown Violators
The Philippines could be on the brink of social chaos, sparked because the virus pandemic forced the government to lockdown 57 million residents…
The Philippines could be on the brink of social chaos, sparked because the virus pandemic forced the government to lockdown 57 million residents…
Support for UBI has grown particularly among Republicans.
“Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, told CNN. “Science supported this ban, therefore he did too.” But Joe Biden did not support Trump’s travel ban with China.
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The human trials will be conducted on “young, healthy individuals” and will then likely expand to the general population, Katz said, adding that he believes the vaccine will be available first in Israel.
There is plenty of optimism in the oil markets this week as rumors of production sent prices higher, but next weeks OPEC meeting may send prices crashing.
Under normal circumstances, the use of online surveillance tools would spark an immediate and intense debate about privacy implications…
', climate change, Covid-19, economic stimulus, oil for food, Paris Accord, Secretary-General António Guterres, UN resolution 2334, UN sex abuse
4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Coronavirus, highways, wold beasts
These are same banks, mind you, that just sold all $1.6 trillion in securities to the Fed to expand their balance sheets capacity in the past three weeks…
Dennis explains Why Religious Communities are Pro-Trump, revealing how They understand what’s most important.