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TV Documentary Alleges Pope Saint John Paul Covered Up Pedophilia in the Polish Church
The Four Phases Of Hyperinflation, According To The IMF
Yes, the Latest Bank Bailout Is Really a Bailout, and You Are Paying for It.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Vetoes Central Bank Digital Currency Bill
Michael Kreiger: Three things are needed to facilitate the rollout of the CBDC system.
Biden’s woke proposed 2024 budget would fund veterans’ ‘sex changes’
Pope Francis calls Catholic Church’s ban on priests having sex ‘temporary’ opening door to review of 1,000-year-old celibacy rules
- Pope Francis, 86, hinted that priests may not have to be celibate in the future
- It comes after growing calls to drop rule that was introduced in the 11th century
The Catholic Church is open to reviewing its thousand-year-old practice of celibacy, Pope Francis has suggested.
He said the ban was only ‘temporary’ and there was also ‘no contradiction’ for a priest to marry.
Celibacy was made a requirement by the Catholic Church in the 11th-century for financial reasons, as clergy without children were more likely to leave their wealth to the church.
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry … 1 Tim. 4:1-3
The Vatican enforces the rule among priests – but there are growing calls to end the ban.
It comes after Germany’s Catholic Church voted for a resolution requesting that the Pope end the obligation for priests to be celibate.
In an interview with Argentine publication Infobae, Pope Francis, 86, said: ‘There is no contradiction for a priest to marry. Celibacy in the western Church is a temporary prescription.
‘It is not eternal like priestly ordination, which is for ever whether you like it or not. On the other hand, celibacy is a discipline.’
The Pope also cited the example of the Eastern Church – a branch of Catholicism which allows more leeway – and said: ‘Everyone in the Eastern Church is married, or those who want to. Before ordination there is the choice to marry or to be celibate.’
It marks a change from his position in 2019, when he suggested celibacy was a ‘gift’ to the church and he didn’t agree with ‘allowing optional celibacy’.
In the interview, which is one of many to celebrate the tenth anniversary of his election as Pope today, he also spoke about rising divorce rates and suggested young people were sometimes getting married too early.
Pope Francis said: ‘Sometimes one goes to a wedding and it seems more like it’s a social reception and not a sacrament.
‘When young people say for ever, who knows what they mean by for ever.’
Daily Mail HERE
Saudi Arabia’s embrace of Iran deals Israel two-pronged blow
Brazil rallies towards central digital currency
The central bank of Brazil has announced the beginning of a digital currency pilot project. The central bank hopes that a digital currency will be as successful as its instant payments system Pix.
Fabio Araujo, the coordinator of the digital currency at the central bank, said a full rollout of the “digital real” should begin in 2024, after the end and evaluation of the trial phase.
The CBDC will be executed through distributed ledger technology (DLT), to support the settlement of financial services through tokenized deposits.
“Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Revelation 13:18
“This environment reduces costs and brings the possibility of financial inclusion for people. You have services that are very expensive to carry out, such as repo operations, which today are only for banks, but which could be performed by anyone with a technology based on digital currencies,” Araujo said.
“This could reduce the cost of credit, the cost of improving the return on investments. There is a great potential for new service providers, fintechs, democratizing access to the market and offering new services.”
He insisted that the “digital real” is not supposed to leverage digital payments, the central bank is already doing that through Pix, the widely adopted instant payment system that was introduced in 2021.
He added that bank deposits would still exist, albeit in a modern environment. That means that financial institutions would not lose deposits as a source of credit generation.
“Banks are very interested in this new tokenized world, in every conversation we have they have shown a lot of interest,” Araujo said.
Reclaim The Net HERE
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Wells Fargo Warns Customers Of ‘Incorrect Balances Or Missing Transactions’
account balances, CBDC's, cyber attack, Klaus Schwab, NDA, Wells Fargo