SUNDAY STUDY: Atonement and Redemption, Same or Different?
By Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum of
Atonement is universal whereas, redemption is individual. Atonement therefore is the foundation of redemption, and not redemption itself. The work of atonement is already finished. Christ is the living bread, the bread of atonement, which, if a man eats, he shall live forever. But he who eats not of this bread shall die, being destitute of wisdom, righteo…
Majority of New York City Hate Crimes Targeted Jews in 2024
Algemeiner: Jews were targeted in the majority of hate crimes perpetrated in New York City last year, according to new data issued by the New York City Police Department (NYPD).
On Monday, the NYPD released its end-of-year crime report, which recorded a precipitous drop in crime overall but also the disturbing numbers on antisemitic hate crimes. Out of the 641 total hate crimes tallied by the N…
Christians Should Not Be Getting Their Theology From Jordan Peterson
Harbingers Daily:
Jordan Peterson surged to fame in right-wing circles several years ago when he took a brave stance against the compelled use of made-up pronouns. He has since joined the Daily Wire and written several books, the latest of which is We Who Wrestle with God.
The recommendations on the back jacket of the book almost make Peterson out to be a new Jerome. “This book revitalizes anci…
Happy New Year 2025!
By Oswald Chambers
Security From Yesterday “…God requires an account of what is past” (Ecclesiastes 3:15). At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise when we remember our yesterdays. Our present enjoyment of God’s grace tends to be lessened by the memory of yesterday’s sins and blunders. But God is the God of our…
SUNDAY STUDY: After Christmas
Excerpted from Focus on the Family
Christmas day has passed. Jesus was born in a manger, as promised. All the promises of Jesus’s coming have passed, including His death and resurrection.
In the season of advent, we prepare our hearts for the coming King. Christmas day we get to rejoice for the King has come. Jesus gave us new life through His sacrifice, “the Word became flesh.”
Why did Jesus …
Merry Christmas 2024: The Magi Leave For Bethlehem
Today we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
There are many ways to recount the Bible narratives of Messiah’s birth: historical genealogies, incarnation of God, Gospel message, etc.
In keeping with our site’s objective of recognizing Biblical prophecy in our human lives, our account is a prophetic one. We take you back to Daniel, a man much loved by God, and the role the g…
Christmas Eve 2024: The Shepherds, the Tower, the Sign, the Gospel
God’s prophecy of the woman’s Seed (Gen. 3:15) is fulfilled in the Baby born to the virgin!
Jesus, God’s own sacrificial Lamb, was born in the same location as the sacrificial lambs for the Temple.
Jesus’ birthplace was in the traditional location for Passover lambs to be born, since He became the Passover Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. However, the traditions of Mishnah (ora…
SUNDAY STUDY #2: Signs of Christmas
From Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. @ Days of Praise; Institute for Creation Research
“Moreover the LORD spoke again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.” (Isaiah 7:10-11)
Although “the Jews require a sign” (1 Corinthians 1:22), and this attitude was rebuked by Christ when He said that “an evil and adulterous generation seeketh afte…
SUNDAY STUDY #1: Hanukkah and Christmas on the Same Day, a Rare Occurrence
Two holidays will be celebrated across the country, as the first night of Hanukkah falls on the same day as Christmas.
The Jewish celebration of the festival of lights begins at sundown Wednesday, just as Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christmas and Hanukkah on the same day is rare. The Hebrew calendar not aligning with the Gregorian calendar, causes the start of the Han…
Prophecy Today Radio December 21, 2024: Christmas Traditions
Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Rick DeYoung, and ‘Prophecy Partners’ on the Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast heard on over 400 stations around the world…
Ken Timmerman – David Dolan – Steve Herzig – Daniel Petkovski – RC Morro
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Legacy Series: “For unto us a Child is born…”
Jimmy and Rick talk about Christmas Traditions
Listen to the Broadcast HERE
Jan Markell, So Where Are We Headed in 2025?
2025: So Where Are We Headed?
by Jan Markell
December 17, 2024
Millions of people have been falsely influenced by the soothsayers and nutty prophets who claim to know what’s coming. I’ve got news for them—only the Bible has the scoop.
I think 2025 could see the most stunning line-up of fulfilled Bible prophecy—ever. When looking …
SUNDAY STUDY: Rapture and Revelation
By William E. Blackstone. “Jesus Is Coming”, Chapter 9: Rapture and Revelation.
Two things are of vital importance, in order to the right understanding of this subject, and these are:
First. The distinction between the Rapture and the Revelation.
Rapture means to be caught up, or away.
Revelation (apokalypsis) means Appearing or shining forth or manifestation.
The Rapture occurs when the Church…