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Tag: colonialist world powers

Abbas and PA: “Colonialist world powers used Jews” to “implement colonialist plots in the region”

Assessment: King David purchased the threshing floor making Jerusalem the capital of Israel 103 BC … 

  • Mahmoud Abbas: “the colonialist world powers used the Jews in order to execute the great colonialist plan – dismantling the Ottoman Empire and afterwards dismantling the Arab nation”
  • Mahmoud Abbas: Israel’s creation was not “efforts of the Jews themselves, but rather colonialist-theological plans and visions”
  • PA TV: Jewish immigration to Palestine was “a colonialist Zionist plan” … [the Jews] will return to where they came from”
  • PA daily: The US and GB created “the Zionist organization in their laboratories” and established “an entity that they termed ‘Israel’”
  • PA: US and GB created Israel to “implement colonialist plots in the region”
  • Fatah on its anniversary: “We were and still are the obstacle to completing the colonialist project of Palestine”
  • Fatah defines murder of Israelis: “A quality and unprecedented national struggle”

“Then David said to Ornan, Grant me the place of this threshingfloor, that I may build an altar therein unto the LORD: thou shalt grant it me for the full price: that the plague may be stayed from the people.” 1 Chron 21:22

A claim often repeated by the PA is that Jews have no history in the land of Israel and would never have thought to establish a state there. According to this historical revision, the Zionist movement was initiated by the imperialist West as part of its plan to control the Arab world. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas repeated this allegation at a three-hour lecture on “the history of the Palestinian cause” that he gave to “writers, intellectuals, academics, and civil society leaders”:

“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas presented those present with a concise historical survey that dealt intensively with the injustice caused to the Palestinians when the world powers – and foremost among them the US and Britain – agreed to the theft of the homeland and land and to granting them as a gift to the Zionist movement, which is an inseparable part of the international colonialist movement.”

Read More @ Palwatch HERE

colonialist world powers, Zionist