Tag: evil
“Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him” (Job 13:15).
How Should We Respond to Evil?
Don’t let the dark shadows of anger and fear overcome the light of Christ...
SUNDAY STUDY: Evil in the World
How can one actually say there is evil without some standard of good to measure it by? And where does that standard come from?
evil, faith, free will, good and evil, Mike Oppenheimer, salvation, sin
SUNDAY STUDY: If We Are Born In Sin, How Is It Fair For God To Judge Us?
Moral evil originated with the creature, not the Creator.
Dobson: America is ‘2 Senate races’ away from ushering ‘evil’ into power
"Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth ...
evil, Flood, Georgia senate, James Dobson, socialism, tribulation