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How Did US and Saudi Petrodollar Agreement Crash and Burn?

LifeSite News:

On June 9 a security deal between the U.S. and the Saudi Arabians to sell their oil exclusively in dollars came to an end. It was not renewed.

This 50-year security agreement was made on June 9, 1974. Described as a “milestone pact,” it tied Saudi oil production to U.S. election cycles, meaning cheap gas (and everything else) for U.S. voters at the right time – all the time.

Now, a new security agreement with the Saudis is taking its place. It is one which Arab News said on June 12 sees a new reality replace the old: “Saudi Arabia dictated its own political will on Washington.”

How has the Biden administration managed to destroy decades of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia? Read More…

Opinion: The US/Saudi relationship began to deteriorate in 2019 beginning the Saudi’s move to join BRICS+:

In 2019 candidate Joe Biden campaigned on destroying Saudi influence in the world

On the campaign trail in November 2019, Joe Biden said it was his policy to punish Saudi Arabia:

We’re going to in fact make them pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are.

Referring to the Saudi war in Yemen, he added his administration would “end the sale of material to the Saudis where they’re going in and murdering children.

In 2021 Biden stepped up anti-Saudi attacks over the 2018 murder of journalist Adnan Khashoggi

In February 2021, the Biden admin released intelligence which linked the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman to Khashoggi’s murder. This news was used to paint Bin Salman as a “pariah,” and isolate him from power.

In 2021 Biden snubbed MBS 

Joe Biden deliberately insulted the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman. At the time, regime media described this as a “snub” to the Saudi leader, who it also described as “the most powerful man in the region.”

What did the Biden admin say? It said it would not speak to MBS, as he is known, because he is the crown prince and not the king – and therefore not the equal and “counterpart” of President Biden.

In 2022 MBS stopped talking to Biden 

MBS refused to answer the phone to Biden. The United Arab Emirates did the same. Both former allies are now joining the Chinese and Russians in BRICS – a non-dollar based alternative to the U.S. international system.

Intelligence leaked to the Washington Post in June 2023 said this infuriated the Saudis so much, they threatened to cut all ties with the U.S.:

The [Saudi] crown prince claimed ‘he will not deal with the U.S. administration anymore,’ the document says, promising ‘major economic consequences for Washington.’

In June 2023 Antony Blinken began a gay blitzkrieg on the Saudis 

Blinken: “I press the Saudi’s on LGBTQI issues in every conversation”

Since that fateful Cringe Month, Blinken has met MBS twice. On both occasions the Saudis have refused to display the U.S. flag, in an obvious diplomatic insult.

Reporting on the meeting with MBS following Blinken’s disastrous pro-LGBT statement, online news agency Modern Diplomacy reported on the missing U.S. flag, saying the Biden admin was “dancing around Riyadh” to repair a relationship it has wrecked.

On January 1, 2024 the Saudis joined the BRICS+

There is no doubt in my mind that the Biden foreign policy team planned the step by step destruction of the petrodollar to remind the world of another one of the president’s primary objectives:

Remind me again – where is the United States in prophecy?

Antony Blinken, BRICS, fossil fuels, Khashoggi, LGBT agenda, MBS, oil, petrodollar