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Prophecy Today Radio July 20, 2024: RNC Updates

Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Rick DeYoung, and ‘Prophecy Partners’ on the Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast heard on over 400 stations around the world… Ken Timmerman – David Dolan – Dr. Richard Schmidt  Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Legacy Series – The 7 Feasts of the Lord – Leviticus 23 Making Disciples in Montenegro… Listen to the Broadcast HERE

It WAS ‘Divine Intervention’ And The Prayers of Millions That Saved Donald Trump From Assassination

Canada Free Press: ‘Politico seems baffled at Republicans crediting ‘divine intervention’ for saving Trump from assassination’-headline, Fox News, July 16, 2024. “Republicans elevated former President Trump to “martyrdom” by their claims “divine intervention” saved him from assassination, a Politico article reported.” So, according to Politico—with the jury still out on Fox—it’s only the Republ…

Defiant Biden told donors: ‘It’s Time To Put Trump In A Bullseye’

Politico, July 8, 2024: A defiant President Joe Biden insisted to his donors on Monday that he is “done talking about the debate” and implored the party to ignore any further distractions and direct its attention back to Donald Trump. “We need to move forward. Look, we have roughly 40 days til the convention, 120 days til the election. We can’t waste any more time being distracted,” Biden said …

A Letter From Ken Timmerman: NATO chooses unending war

Dear RC, NATO leaders met this week in Washington and pledged an “irreversible path” for Ukraine to join the alliance, as well as “unwavering support” for the Ukraine war effort. It was a bit like waving a red cape in front of a bull. Putin has made crystal clear that expanding NATO eastward to include Ukraine is not just a red line for Russia, but was in fact the main reason for the Russian…

‘Chilling moment’: French far-Left’s victory alarms prominent Jews

Israel Hayom: The victory of France’s left-wing New Popular Front – a coalition of socialist and left-wing parties, including the far-Left France Unbowed – in the second round of the National Assembly elections on Sunday has sparked alarm among prominent French Jewish figures. Critics, led by renowned philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, warn of potential implications for antisemitism in the country…

Prophecy Today Radio July 6, 2024: Concern For America

Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Rick DeYoung, and ‘Prophecy Partners’ on the Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast heard on over 400 stations around the world… Ken Timmerman – David Dolan – The Role of America in Bible Prophecy Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Legacy Series – Daniel 7, the 1000 years Reign of Jesus Christ on Earth Listen to the Broadcast HERE

US envoy to the UN blasts Israel in Security Council speech

Israel Today: US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield on Tuesday called out the expansion of Jewish neighborhoods in Judea and Samaria as “an obstacle to the achievement of a two-state solution—the end state we all want to see.” Speaking at the monthly UN Security Council meeting on the Israeli-Palestinian file, Thomas-Greenfield said the expansions were “inconsistent with i…

Biden strategy: Tell voters videos of stumbles, gaffes are ‘cheap fakes’

WND: The videos of Joe Biden’s gaffes, stumbles and bumbles are legion. Just recently, he was on camera hesitatingly wandering away from a group photo op at a G7 event. Another national leader gently guided him back. He’s been on video wandering away from Secret Service across the White House lawn, trying to shake hands with people – twice. He’s even wandered around on stage while Jill Biden wa…

Prophecy Today Radio June 22, 2024

Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Rick DeYoung, and ‘Prophecy Partners’ on the Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast heard on over 400 stations around the world… Ken Timmerman – David Dolan – Yisrael (Winkie) Medad –  Dr. Jeff LaBorg Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Legacy Series –  The Book of Zechariah, a Time of Happiness… A Look at the Book Jimmy and Rick… Listen to the Broadcast HERE

How Did US and Saudi Petrodollar Agreement Crash and Burn?

LifeSite News: On June 9 a security deal between the U.S. and the Saudi Arabians to sell their oil exclusively in dollars came to an end. It was not renewed. This 50-year security agreement was made on June 9, 1974. Described as a “milestone pact,” it tied Saudi oil production to U.S. election cycles, meaning cheap gas (and everything else) for U.S. voters at the right time – all the time. Now,…

Israel looks to improve its brand, but will it ignore the Bible?

Israel Today:’ The war in Gaza has been exploited by antisemites around the world to paint Israel as public enemy No. 1, and many Israelis are increasingly concerned about what that might mean for their future. Jerusalem has responded by turning to a leading nation-branding expert to help revitalize the Jewish state’s image. The war in Gaza has been exploited by antisemites around the world to …

UN WHO Power Grab Partly Delayed, but Not Defeated

 The New American: Despite early indications that the World Health Organization’s breath-taking power grab was facing set backs, the global outfit made major progress on usurping unprecedented powers even while vowing to redouble its efforts to finish the job, warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman on this episode of Behind The Deep State. First, many of the key amendments to…