Author: Editor
SUNDAY STUDY: Our Kinsman Redeemer
Clarence Larkin, faith, forgiveness, George Wilson, kinsman redeemer, redemption, sin nature
SUNDAY STUDY: Wide is the Gate
Happy Thanksgiving Day (2022)!
SUNDAY STUDY: The 7 Dispensations
Satan’s Five-Part Plan to Destroy America
Adam and Eve, death, free will, resurrection, salvation, sin
SUNDAY STUDY: The Nature of Degeneration
SUNDAY STUDY: Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, sundown 10/04/22 to sundown 10/05/22
all sins, Day of Atonement, fasting and repentance, scapegoat, Yom Kippur
Sunday Study, Is the Rapture in September?
SUNDAY STUDY: His Temptation and Ours
“God engineers circumstances, and whatever they may be like, we have to see that we face them while abiding continually with Him… Temptations are not so much temptations to us, but to the life of the Son of God in us. The honor of Jesus Christ is at stake in your bodily life.” Oswald Chambers
Click HERE to read today’s devotional.