Author: Author1
and they want to implant it under our skin...
The Bidens’ Existential Threats to the American Rule of Law
the president of the United States, has likely deliberately connived to avoid taxes...
Apocalyptic Anticipation
How Much Longer?...
Congressman Says UFOs Can Fly Underwater, Government Has Been Covering Up Presence Since 1890s
“We’ve been dealing [with government coverups] since 1947, probably since about 1897...
About That Claim That July 3-4 Were the ‘Hottest Days on Record’…
Well, “ever recorded” is misleading...
Anglican Leader Says Opening Of Lord’s Prayer Is ‘Problematic’ For Some
What on earth is going on in the denominations? ...
How the Israeli Air Force is preparing for multi-arena war
In any future full-scale regional war, the IAF will have to be able to both deal with those threats and tackle Iranian nuclear sites...
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen commits ‘embarrassing’ bow during Beijing visit
and that’s exactly the optics the Chinese love...
Biden Blasted For Revealing Sensitive U.S. Military Info During Interview
Does Biden not care that our adversaries in China are listening?”...
Netanyahu Jewish state is concerned about ‘antisemitism washing over France’ amid ongoing riots
Numbering about one-half million people, French Jewry is currently the largest Jewish community in Europe...
Prophecy Today Radio, July 8, 2023: War
Examining current events in the light of God's prophetic word...