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Report: China Wants BRICS to Rival G7
China had planned to lobby for the BRICS bloc to become a full-fledged competitor of the G7 during the BRICS summit in South Africa this year, according to an August 20 report by the Financial Times (FT).
Anonymous sources told FT that Beijing has supposedly “clashed” with India over the notion of increasing the group’s membership before the event.
Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared” Rev. 16:12
The newspaper pointed out that Beijing and New Delhi disagree regarding whether BRICS — which presently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — should be a non-aligned economic bloc or a political alliance that openly rivals the West.
South African officials allegedly told the paper that 23 countries had voiced interest in joining BRICS, while Saudi Arabia and Indonesia were singled out as favorites to become the bloc’s first new members since the inclusion of this year’s summit host in 2010.
“If we expand BRICS to account for a similar portion of world GDP as the G7, then our collective voice in the world will grow stronger,” an unnamed Chinese official said in an interview with FT.
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