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Biden admin pressured Big Tech to suppress criticism of COVID mandates, new ‘Facebook files’ reveal
A Letter From Ken Timmerman: The Axis of Tyrannies versus the Banana Republic
America, Cardinal Louis Sakho, Iraqi Christians, persecution, Taiwan
Actor Kirk Cameron’s ‘Christian story hours’ planned for this Saturday across the US
Christian actor and author Kirk Cameron has lined up nearly 270 libraries in 45 states to host his “See You at the Library” event this Saturday.
The reading hours, where citizens will read patriotic and Christian books, is meant to counteract “drag queen story hours” and other pornographic and sexually inappropriate content at public libraries, is persevering despite efforts by the American Library Association (ALA) to stop it.
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10
Cameron faced denials earlier this year when he attempted to set up story hours of his own to read his new book from Brave Books, as previously reported by LifeSiteNews.
“It should be an amazing day. The battle is here, and we’re confident that good is going to triumph over evil,” Cameron told the Washington Examiner for an August 3 story. “Parents are excited. … We’re told the public libraries are expecting thousands in attendance, and that will equal tens of thousands nationwide.”
“The American Library Association still doesn’t want this to happen,” Cameron said in comments to the Examiner. “They’re hoping it’s a great big ‘nothing-burger’ and it’s a big fat dud, but the opposite is true. Thousands of families are gathering in the public square to contend with the values that will lead to their children’s blessing.”
A recording obtained by Brave Books appear to show the ALA “circulating guidance to sabotage conservative or Christian parent groups from gathering in public libraries on August 5th. One ALA director gave suggestions on how libraries could block public meeting room use under the pretext of the space already being taken for other activities,” Brave Books noted.
The opposition to open and equal access to Cameron is in direct contradiction to the claimed values of the ALA to promote freedom of expression and the First Amendments. The ALA is currently led by a self-professed “Marxist lesbian.”
“Libraries are major sources of information for society and they serve as guardians of the public’s access to information. The advent of the digital world has revolutionized how the public obtains its information and how libraries provide it,” the ALA states on its page. “As the digital world continues to evolve, libraries help ensure that people can access the information they need – regardless of age, education, ethnicity, language, income, physical limitations or geographic barriers.”
“Core values of the library community such as equal access to information, intellectual freedom, and the objective stewardship and provision of information must be preserved and strengthened, now more than ever,” the group wrote.
The ALA also claims to be against “banning books,” yet it appears to be attempting to limit access to citizens to come and hear from Cameron and hear his book. That too is in direct contradiction to its stated values.
Read More @ LifeSite News HERE
‘Sovereignty More Imperative Than Saudi Deal’
Extending Israeli rule over Judea and Samaria was put on hold for the Abraham Accords, and the damage is almost irreversible…
Israel’s Sovereignty (Ribonut) Movement Wednesday urged the Netanyahu government not to consider postponing the extension of Israeli law over Judea and Samaria for the sake of securing a normalisation agreement with Saudi Arabia.
The message follows a flurry of reports of intense US diplomatic activity in the direction of a Saudi-Israeli peace deal, and conjecture about a limited window of opportunity for securing an agreement ahead of the 2024 US election year.
“Thus says the Lord of hosts: “They may build, but I will throw down; They shall be called the Territory of Wickedness, And the people against whom the Lord will have indignation forever.” Malachi 1:4
In a letter, signed by the organisation’s leaders – Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover – the movement warned that while, on the face of it, such a trade-off might appear strategically sensible, it would be calamitous. “Using sovereignty for political leverage strips from the Jewish people its soul, strength and the justice of its cause over its Land.”
The Sovereignty Movement appreciated that an agreement with Saudi Arabia “carries immense significance in economic, regional, security, and other terms, and perhaps also in the creation of a Middle Eastern coalition against the Iranian threat.” Even so, it was vital that it not come “at the expense of our…
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