Compass International: Israel In The Tribulation, Part 2
Last week we tackled the first half of this topic. If you missed it, it would be best to read it first. CLICK HERE
In Part 1 we covered Israel entering into the Tribulation with a 7-year Peace Treaty (Dan. 9:24) backed by 10 nations from the former Roman Empire (10 toes of Dan. 2).
The world will be having a very, very tough time post-Rapture. People will be dying by the tens of millions …

When Hamas hands back coffins, will there still be crowds and celebrations?
Red Cross members look on at Hamas terrorists parading hostages in Gaza, February 8, 2025 (photo credit: REUTERS/Hatem Khaled)
JPost: The world recoiled in horror on Saturday when newly released hostages emerged from Hamas captivity in a state that can only be described as “Holocaust-esque.” Emaciated, hollow-eyed, some barely able to walk—these were not prisoners of war, but civilians, includ…

There Is No Moral Equivalent Between Israel And The Butchers Of Hamas
Harbingers Daily:
Throughout its history, the State of Israel has fought two defensive conflicts at once—a battle for survival against its Arab neighbors and a PR battle to expose the world to truth. The current nexus for these two conflicts is Israel’s war against Hamas.
While much of the world had sympathy for the Jewish state in the immediate wake of Hamas’ October 7 pogrom, it quickly chang…

SUNDAY STUDY: Why The Tribulation?
| Editor | Bible prophecy, End of the age, God, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Rapture, Sunday Posts
By W. Livingston @versebyverseministry.org
We speak of Christ’s return as a second coming because it will be the second time Christ resides on the earth.
The Bible does teach another type of appearance of Jesus, which is fundamentally different than either His first or His second comings. This other appearance is a kind of return but only to “the clouds” (i.e., in the sky) to retrieve the Churc…

11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is Bad
| Author1 | Federal Reserve, Antichrist, Bible prophecy, End of the age, GLOBAL ECONOMY, God, Jesus Christ, US Economy
Activist Post: Most Americans realize that the federal government is drowning in debt and that inflation is out of control. But very few Americans can coherently explain where money comes from or how our financial system actually works. For decades, bankers that we do not elect have controlled America’s currency, have run our economy into the ground, and have driven the U.S. government to the…

Malaysia Launching Digital ID ‘Super-App’
KUALA LUMPUR (Worthy News) – Malaysia’s government says it is launching a “national digital identity ecosystem” named “MyDigital ID Superapp” across the Asian nation.
The application, available on smartphones, aims “to protect” Malaysians from online fraud and identity theft, according to officials. The government claims it will also make it “more convenient” for citizens to verify their identi…

Trump’s digital dollar ban gives China and Europe’s CBDCs free rein
| Author1 | GLOBAL ECONOMY, Antichrist, Bible prophecy, End of the age, God, Jesus Christ, President Donald Trump, US Economy
Reuters News:
Trump executive order last week banned ‘digital dollar’
With world reserve currency AWOL, China and Europe can fill void
U.S. ban adds to geopolitical divide over digital currencies
LONDON, Jan 28 (Reuters) – Donald Trump’s rapid move to ban a “digital dollar” has left the field wide open, observers say, for China and Europe to make their already-advanced central bank digita…

Vatican Promises Stiff Penalties for Illegal Aliens Crossing its Border
Breitbart: ROME — The Vatican City State has enacted stiffer penalties on anyone entering its territory or violating its airspace without permission, threatening offenders with fines and jail time.
The Vatican has hiked both monetary sanctions and prison sentences for those who violate its tight security regulations, Catholic News Agency reported Wednesday.
Through a recent decree, signed by Ca…

Who Really Denied Statehood to the Palestinian People?
| Author1 | Israel, anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Land for peace, Palestinian, Two State Solution
Gatestone Institute:
Israel agreed to Palestinian statehood in 1937-1938, 1947-1948, 1967, 2000-2001, and 2007. In each case, it was the Palestinian leadership that refused to agree to the two-state solution….
The Jews accepted the [1937] Peel partition plan, while the Arabs categorically rejected it, demanding that all of Palestine be placed under Arab control and that most of the Jewish po…

The EU’s Ministry of Truth: A Globalist Power Grab Disguised as a Fight Against ‘Disinformation’
| Author1 | Bible prophecy, Antichrist, End of the age, European Union, God, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Revived Roman Empire
RAIR Foundation: In a chilling move that reads like a page from Orwell’s 1984, the European Union is formalizing its role as a gatekeeper of information with the creation of an “Information Sharing and Analysis Center” under the European External Action Service (EEAS). The declared purpose? To combat so-called “disinformation” campaigns from foreign actors like Russia and China. But make no mis…

The Crumbling of the Catholic ‘Church’
Fresh out of the U.S. Army in 1948, a young, chain-smoking, hard-swearing cartoonist named Jack Chick became a Christian after hearing a Gospel radio message on his honeymoon. Now, he wanted to tell the world about it, but how? He knew he could not tell everyone personally.
Jack passed away on October 23, 2016 at age 92. His ministry continues through hand-picked leaders. You c…

Soaring gold prices are a bad omen for the dollar
Unheard.com: After the global instability which characterised 2024, there is widespread hope that this coming year will provide some much-needed respite from chaos. Investors seem to disagree, though, at least if we look at the asset everyone is talking about this January: gold. The consensus seems to be that gold will be a strong performer in 2025 just as it was in 2024 — which, implicitly, me…