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Nigeria Joins BRICS as “Partner Country”

Worthy News – Nigeria on Friday was admitted as a “partner country” of the BRICS bloc of economies formed by Brazil, Russia, India, and China in 2009.

Considered a counterpart and alternative to the G7 bloc of the world’s largest economies, BRICS now comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.

Nigeria joins Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Thailand, Uganda, and Uzbekistan in becoming the ninth BRICS “partner country.”

“With the world’s sixth-largest population – and Africa’s largest – as well as being one of the continent’s major economies, Nigeria shares convergent interests with other members of BRICS,” Brazil’s government said in a statement Friday. “It plays an active role in strengthening South-South cooperation and in reforming global governance – issues that are top priorities during Brazil’s current presidency,” the Brazilian government noted.

“The Federal Government of Nigeria has formally accepted the invitation to join BRICS as a partner country. Read More…

Opinion: In BRICS, a “partner country” refers to nations or organizations invited to attend summits ministerial meetings, or participate in other joint ventures, but without membership status or formal decision-making power.

After dozens of posts and at least that many Prophecy Today radio programs, a global move to CBDCs seems fraught with difficulties.

The biggest hurdle has been the lack of a payment system that would rival the western nations’ SWIFT to settle trade payments.

An AI search, Do BRICS countries have a payment system like SWIFT?, says this:

Yes, BRICS countries are developing a payment system that’s similar to SWIFT, called BRICS Pay. BRICS Pay is designed to be a decentralized platform that allows BRICS countries to trade with each other using their own currencies.

As for now, BRICS Pay, much like many other BRICS proposals, is still ultimately just an idea.

The 2nd biggest hurdle to digital money is US President Donald Trump who has slammed a digital dollar as a dangerous threat to freedom:

“I am also making another promise to protect Americans from government tyranny. As your president, I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency.”

But what would happen if the nations boycott even 1 failed US Treasury auction, forcing US interest rates to skyrocket?

Back to AI – What would happen if a treasury auction failed?

A failed Treasury auction occurs when there aren’t enough bidders to buy all the debt being sold.

  • This could lead to a higher cost of financing the US deficit.
  • The higher cost of financing the deficit could increase uncertainty about interest rates and the economy.
  • This uncertainty could ripple through the international debt markets and the entire world economy.
  • The dollar is the world’s reserve currency, so the world economy could go down with a failed Treasury auction.

Interest rates would be forced higher and the Federal Reserve would have to step in and buy US bonds, accelerating inflation.

The resulting chaos could compel the government to turn over control of the dollar to the Fed.

We know from Bible prophecy that complete government control over money will happen.

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17

We also know from a careful study of the prophecy that this complete global economic takeover happens at the mid-way point of the 7 year tribulation,

Therefore two possibilities come into play…

That a global (beast) economy is casting a growing shadow before it happens


That CBDCs are a post-rapture event and we need to be ready to fly…

Africa, AI, BRICS, BRICS pay, CBDC's, digital dollar, digital naira, Nigeria, SWIFT, US Treasury auction