The Digital Euro Project is making progress (Part 1)
banks, cash, digital euro, ECB, Nebuchadnezzar's statue, notes, revived Rome
banks, cash, digital euro, ECB, Nebuchadnezzar's statue, notes, revived Rome
12 week pilot, 12 week trial, CBDC's. Totalitarianism, Daniel's 4th beast, ECB, FedNow, IMF, Mises Institute, PIX
Daniel 9:26, ECB, hyperinflation, inflation, pandemic, Ukraine
BIS, cryptocurrency, ECB, Janet Yellen, Jay Powell, Ray Dalio, Revelation
BOC, BOE, BOJ - Bank of Japan, CBCD's, Central Banks, digital shekel cryptocurrency, ECB, Reserve Bank Australia, Swiss National Bank
Bank of China, blockchain technology, BOE, BOJ, CBDC, digital currency, ECB, euro, Swiss National Bank
17, bond buying, Bundesbank, Daniel 7 Revelation 13, ECB, euro, money printing, QE