Author: Author1
Jordan’s King Abdullah II Speaks at the United Nations
Britain, king abdullah, Ottoman Empire, Queen Raina, World War1
Prophecy Today Radio September 28, 2024: Feast of Trumpets
Abdullah II, Nasrallah, NATO, nuclear weapons, Petra, Rosh Hashanah 2024, Shanah Tova, Zelenskiiy
A Letter From Ken Timmerman: The United Nations Follies
Pope Francis tells interfaith meeting: ‘Divine inspiration’ is ‘present in every faith’
Catholic, divine inspiration, ecumenism, faith, interreligious dialogue, Intl Prayer Meeting, Sant'Egidio Community
Macron Calls for “New International Order” Including the Reorganization of Europe
deception, France, Macron, new international order, peace maker
Netanyahu orders discussion on canceling NIS 200 bill
$100, $50, Babylon, cashless society, Ezekiel 7:19, gold and silver, nis 200, Revelation
Netanyahu lauds strikes on Hezbollah, Iraq reportedly sends drones to North
BREAKING: Pope Francis doubles down, says ‘diversity of religious identities is a gift of God’
global church, Reformation, Roman Catholic Church, Satan, Tower of Babel
Prophecy Today Radio September 21, 2024: Israel in Conflict
Dr. Andy Woods and Jim McGowan: Pastors Point of View 320
Babel, eternal state, Messiah, Millennium, New Jerusalem, second advent
Google announces digital ID wallet
digital id, digital wallet, economic system, Gavi vaccine alliance, political system, religious system