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‘Million March’ Start of Pro-Government Demonstration in Jerusalem

Assessment: 1,000 buses bring citizens to the Knesset area in support of the judicial reforms. As people poured in, estimates rose to much higher …

An enormous rally with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators called the ‘Million March,’ was held in front of the Knesset this evening (Thursday) in support of the government’s planned judicial reforms.

Over 1,000 buses are bringing citizens from all over the country to participate in the demonstration.

Police said that crowds at the demonstration at first reached 200,000 people.Later, as more and more people arrived, and it was almost impossible to get through the crowds that poured in, filling all the streets around the Knesset,, the organizers estimated close to 600,000 people.

“Moreover I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; nor shall the sons of wickedness oppress them anymore, as previously” 2 Samuel 7:10

200,000 at start of pro-government demonstration in Jerusalem

Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Knesset Constitution Committee chairman MK Simcha Rothman, the architects of the judicial reform legislation, addressed the demonstrators, as did numerous other politicians. Speakers included Nobel Laureate Prof.Israel Aumann, the head of the student union of Israeli universities, Caroline Glick, popular publicist and media personaiity Noam Fathi, Professor Gadi Taub and others.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Knesset Constitution Committee chairman MK Simcha Rothman, the architects of the judicial reform legislation, addressed the demonstrators, as did numerous other politicians. Speakers included Nobel Laureate Prof.Israel Aumann, the head of the student union of Israeli universities, Caroline Glick, popular publicist and media personaiity Noam Fathi, Professor Gadi Taub and others.

Read More @ Arutz Sheva HERE

U.S. Ex-Witch, Ex-Satanist Plan ‘All-Out War’ on SatanCon

Christian leaders are responding to The Satanic Temple’s (TST) announcement about its second public convention—”a weekend of blasphemy”—to be held in Boston, Massachusetts this upcoming weekend.

The event known as “SatanCon 2023” will take place from April 28-30 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place. It’s being advertised by the TST as the “largest satanic gathering in history.”

The official theme is “Hexennacht in Boston” or “Witches Night,” an ancient German holiday that occurs annually on April 30.

In response, Christians are sounding alarms and planning to fight a spiritual battle to push back against the darkness.

“And the LORD said to Satan, “From where do you come?” So Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.” Job 1:7

The Satanic Temple (Charisma News archives)

In what’s been described as a spiritual “counter-offensive” to SatanCon 2023, revivalist Dr. Jaymz Sideras, co-founder of ReviveBoston, and his wife Pascale have scheduled a three-day revival in Boston the same weekend.

Christian services will be held at 7:00 p.m. nightly on April 28-30 at the Revere Hotel Boston Common, 200 Stuart Street, which is less than a mile from the TST convention.

A street evangelism campaign is also being planned by ReviveBoston to be held Saturday, April 29.

“Now make no mistake friends, this is an all-out war between the kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of God for the soul of America,” Sideras said in a video trailer for ReviveBoston April 2023 posted to YouTube.

Former Occultist Provides Insight into Satanic Group

Read More @ Chiasma News HERE

Between Memorial Day and Independence Celebrations

Yet another topsy-turvy week in Israel. One moment our heads are lower butting each other over the role of the Supreme Court in a Jewish State and the next our heads are lifted up watching German and other foreign nation pilots fly 11 fighter jets in celebration of Israel’s 75th Independence Day celebrations. It’s almost surrealistic, but it’s real.

We barely concluded remembering our Holocaust and now begins Memorial Day to honor our fallen soldiers. On Tuesday, our cemeteries will be packed with mourning crowds and in the evening those same crowds will fill our city streets and squares with dancing and song to celebrate our independence and return to our homeland. 

“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor,
She gave birth to her children.” Isaiah 66:8

Israeli soldiers place Israeli flags on the graves of fallen soldiers in Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem. The ceremony of laying Israeli flags on each fallen soldier's grave, is being held every year just few days before the Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers.

One more grave story for our people, one more brave story to remember. This is the bittersweet of our life in Israel. Like the fireworks that will light up the skies on our Independence Day, the celebrations will be just a temporary spark to shine some light on the pain of the price we pay to live in this land. Thank God we still know how to celebrate.

These contrasting poles of opposites is the story of Israel. Here we live with Left and Right, secular and religious, the mundane and the holy, conservative yet tolerant. Our very existence as a state is filled with contrast. 

We have become a military and technological superpower, yet we battle daily with the boycotts and condemnations of a world that wants to limit our power and influence. We are the country that traveled 4 million miles to get to the moon and then crashed just a few yards before landing. 

It took us 2,000 year to get back to our homeland, but even here we

don’t have a moment’s quiet. We gave the world the Word of God’s love for mankind, and we are a people hated by humanity. 

Our forefathers understood this dilemma thousands of years ago when they taught us that in the beginning the response to the chaos that was over the surface of the deep God spoke and light came into being (Gen 1:2). It was their faith in God that gave them strength to keep walking through the valleys and shadows of death toward the hope of greener pastures and quieted waters. 

In the final analysis, only when we are willing to turn our hearts to the creator of Israel will we find the golden streets that will lead us on the path to our eternal home and our true Shalom. 

Read More @ Israel Today HERE