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Happy Earth Day: ‘Green’ Energy Is Toxic, Inefficient, and Unprofitable

For all leftists, climate alarmists, and other dwellers in fantasy land, happy Earth Day! Unfortunately for “climate change” true believers, not only have climate predictions been consistently and wildly wrong for 50 years now, but “clean” or “green” energy is toxic for the environment, inefficient, and unprofitable.

A Letter From Ken Timmerman: A Superpower in the making

Dear RC,

Just three years ago, China was still a rising power, Russia was a gas station with nukes, and the Islamic State of Iran was virtually bankrupt.

What a difference a new administration makes.

The perception of America’s weakness is undeniable. The Chinese can see it, as can the Russians and the Iranian regime. Even Little Cookie, the Mac’aron of France, struts off to Beijing like one of the big boys because he knows America will do nothing to stop him.

Our military is running out of precision munitions, and our defense industrial base is three years late in delivering on signed contracts with Taiwan. Meanwhile, the Chinese are conducting military exercises to demonstrate the very real capability of successfully invading Taiwan.

Will they actually invade? That is the question everyone is asking. For a long time, I’ve been of the view that China’s leaders will behave as Sun Tzu instructed their forebears long ago, and prefer taking Taiwan without firing a shot.

They could do that through subversion and coopting the elites, as they did in Hong Kong. But with Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen firmly rejecting the “one country-two systems” policy, the Chicoms may feel it necessary to jump the tiger.

Beijing is certainly making all the noises of preparing a kinetic attack on Taiwan. If they decide to pull the trigger, I believe they will do it before the end of 2024, because with Biden in the White House, they know America is weak.

Our weakness extends well beyond the military and the leadership vacuum. Our economy has been wracked by self-inflicted inflation, and we have willfully thrown away our energy independence in just two years.

Part of this week’s Prophecy Today Weekend will look at a film I made with renowned Bible Prophecy scholar Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, before his untimely death from Covid. We will be examining America’s role in the End Times scenario found in Holy Scripture. (Hint: America does not appear in the Bible, and it’s not because the North American continent had not yet been discovered by man….)

I will argue that our political leadership seems purposefully driven to destroy American dominance, allowing China to succeed in becoming the world’s hegemon — much sooner than the Chinese themselves had previously proclaimed.

As always, you can listen live at 1 PM today, Saturday, on 104.9FM or 550 AM in the Jacksonville area, or by using the Jacksonville Way Radio app.

If you miss the show live, you can listen to podcast later on by using this link:

Yours in freedom,


PS: For my friends in California, I will be making three appearances  in the coming days. Join me:

 Saturday, April 29, at the Ontario, CA airport Hilton, I will be speaking and signing books at the Unite Inland Empire Conservative Summit, 11 AM-5 PM.

 Monday noon, May 1, I will be speaking at the David Horowitz Freedom Center luncheon at the Luxe Hotel in Los Angles, noon to 2 PM.

– Monday 7 PM, May 1, Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center will dialogue with me about my latest book, And the Rest Is History, at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. Books will be available for purchase and signing, starting at 7 PM.

Ken Timmerman’s 12th book of non-fiction, AND THE REST IS HISTORY: Tales of Hostages, Arms Dealers, Dirty Tricks, and Spies, is now available from PostHill Press.

AND THE REST IS HISTORY can be ordered directly from Amazon by clicking here or by viewing my author’s page, here.

– Republican nominee for Congress, Maryland District 8 (2012)
– National Security and Foreign Policy Advisory Board, Trump for President 2016
– President & CEO, Foundation for Democracy in Iran,
– Nobel Peace Prize nominee, 2006
Cell: 301-675-7922
Follow me on Twitter @kentimmerman
Facebook: ken timmerman
Reply to: [email protected]

Xi calls on Chinese troops to intensify training for “actual combat”

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on his troops to level up their military training with a focus on “actual combat.”

This statement came amid heightened tensions over Taiwan after the communist regime concluded military exercises around the island. The United States and its allies watched the exercises closely as their global strategic and economic interests are on the line.

Xi made the comment during his visit to see Chinese naval troops stationed in the southern province of Guangdong, an area directly facing the South China Sea and Taiwan. Both areas would be on the front line in the event of a hot war between the nations.

The Chinese president had also urged troops to deepen military training in preparation and take the Chinese military modernization to the next level.

Xi added that China must be “innovative in its concepts and methods of combat.”

The Chinese leader reportedly made the defense of Beijing’s territorial sovereignty and maritime interests as the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy’s core mission, in addition to the protection of overall peripheral stability.

“And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.” Revelation 16:16

Image: Xi calls on Chinese troops to intensify training for “actual combat”

China has not ruled out military options in “reunification” with Taiwan

Beijing considers the fully democratic island of Taiwan to be an inalienable part of its territory that has been taken over by separatists. It is also accusing the U.S. of meddling in its domestic affairs and encouraging so-called “secessionist” politicians, including current Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen, who has routinely tried to assert her country’s sovereignty and independence without actually claiming that she supports the creation of an independent Republic of Taiwan.

Read More @ Natural News HERE

US Debt: Visualizing The $31.4 Trillion Owed In 2023

Can you picture what $31.4 trillion looks like?

The enormity of U.S. government debt is hard for the average person to wrap their head around. For instance, compared to the median U.S. mortgage, the current level of federal debt is 230 million times larger.

In this graphic, Visual Capitalist’s Julie Peasley shows how many one-dollar bills it would take to stack up to the total U.S. debt of $31.4 trillion.

The rich rules over the poor,
And the borrower is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7

How Did U.S. Debt Get So High?

U.S. national debt is how much money the federal government owes to creditors. When the government spends more than it earns, it has a budget deficit and must issue debt in the form of Treasury securities.

The U.S. has run a deficit for the last 20 years, substantially increasing the national debt. In fact, according to the Department of the Treasury, the current debt is $31.4 trillion.

Stacked up in one-dollar bills, the U.S. debt would be equivalent to almost eight of Chicago’s 110-story Willis Tower.

Year Outstanding Debt Year-Over-Year Increase
2023* $31.4T 2%
2022 $30.9T 9%
2021 $28.4T 6%
2020 $26.9T 19%
2019 $22.7T 6%
2018 $21.5T 6%
2017 $20.2T 3%
2016 $19.6T 8%
2015 $18.2T 2%
2014 $17.8T 6%
2013 $16.7T 4%
2012 $16.1T 9%
2011 $14.8T 9%
2010 $13.6T 14%
2009 $11.9T 19%
2008 $10.0T 11%
2007 $9.0T 6%
2006 $8.5T 7%
2005 $7.9T 8%
2004 $7.4T 9%
2003 $6.8T 9%
2002 $6.2T 7%
2001 $5.8T 2%
2000 $5.7T 0%

Source: Fiscal Data. Debt for 2023 is as of January, with the year-over-year increase reflecting the growth from October 2022 to January 2023. October is the start of the fiscal year for the U.S. government. Debt includes both debt held by the public and intragovernmental holdings.

The last time the government had a surplus was in 2001, when debt rose only 2% due to interest costs. Since then, the largest jumps in U.S. debt have been during the Global Financial Crisis—which saw three straight years of double-digit growth rates—and in 2020 due to trillions of dollars of COVID-19 stimulus.

U.S. federal debt rises during recessions because government revenue, primarily composed of taxes, decreases. At the same time, the government increases spending to help stimulate an economic recovery.

Read More @ Zero Hedge HERE