The Devastating Consequences Of The Church Ignoring Our ‘Blessed Hope’
1 Thess. 4:1-16, believers, blessed hope, consequences, Paul, world events
1 Thess. 4:1-16, believers, blessed hope, consequences, Paul, world events
apostacy, Babylon, conservative, DEI, Germany, kings of the earth, Luke 17, Matthew 24, Rev. 18, US military
1G, 3G, 6g, AI, analog, blessed hope, cashless, digital, global surveillance, IPhone
Agagite, Amalek, Bibas family strangled, Esau, Herzog, parade, Purim
$350 billion, 602 Palestinians, 70 weeks, Amalek, Arabs, Bibas family strangled, EU army, Ez. 38-39, Judea and Samaria, Russian alliance, Zelenski
Arabs, Deliverer, FOI- Friends of Israel, friends of Palestinian Christians, Jacob, replacement theology, Steve Herzig, Zion
3 day/3 nights, inerrancy, Jonah and the whale, Kayaker, Ken Ham, Son of Man
Abdullah II, Balfour, Britain, occupied, Ottoman Empire, Queen Elizabeth, river to the sea, Transjordan, WWI