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‘Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden’ Are Outraged — OUTRAGED — That Biden Is Who He Said He Was

PJ Media: In fact, Biden reversed himself on the Hyde Amendment, which protects pro-life taxpayers from funding abortion. A supporter of Hyde for decades, Biden pledged to eliminate it if he became president, and the COVID-19 relief Democrat wish-list giveaway bill explicitly excluded the Hyde Amendment.

“There is a way that appears to be right,
    but in the end it leads to death.” Proverbs 14;12 NIV

Biden pledged to reverse the Mexico City Policy, which prevents taxpayers from funding abortion overseas. He chose Kamala Harris — who prosecuted pro-life journalistsdemanded pro-life groups hand over their donor lists, and demonized pro-life Trump nominees for their faith — to be his running mate. Biden is so radical on abortion that he received a scathing rebuke from the head of the U.S. Catholic bishops, even though he is the second Roman Catholic* president.

So, gentle reader, perhaps you can forgive me if I laugh uproariously at the idea that a group called “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden” not only exists but pretends to be in high dudgeon over the fact that Joe Biden is behaving like, well, Joe Biden. Read More


When the righteous become great the people rejoice, But when the wicked dominate the people groan. Proverbs 29:2 (The Israel BibleTM)

Israel 365: An expert in Arab0-Israel relations recently published a paper in which he claimed the Biden administration has been guiding the Palestinian Authority and Hamas in order to fast-track the creation of a terrorist state inside Israel.


From the moment Biden took office, there have been indications that he intends to re-establish close ties with the “Palestinians” and further their claims over Israeli territory. Just a few hours after he took the oath on January 20,  the Twitter profile of the US ambassador to Israel was switched to say ‘Ambassador to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.’ Though this was quickly changed back, it sent shock waves among Jews around the world. Read More

‘Weekend At Biden’s?’ Handlers Shut Down Yet Another Q&A After Public Appearance

Zero Hedge: For the third time in as many days (the previous two detailed here), President Biden’s handlers abruptly panicked at the prospect of him answering a question from the press.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 1:22 ESV

Today’s debacle takes place in a DC hardware store as double-mask-wearing Biden stares blankly at the store owner during his polite introduction, then becomes distracted by people on an upper level of the store.

As the owner tries to address Biden again, Biden’s handlers suddenly become agitated and one is repeatedly heard saying, “come on press, let’s go, we’re gonna move out.” “Let’s go you guys, come on let’s go,” she repeats herself as one of the reporters tries to ask Biden about “the crisis at the border.” Read More

Gundlach: “People Are Starting To Believe That Stimulus Is Permanent”

Zero Hedge: It’s time for Jeff Gundlach to regale DoubleLine fund investors and assorted hangers on with his views of the economy, the stock market and everything else. The title of the latest webcast is “Looking Backward” although we expect a substantial does of forward looking views and hot takes, including Gundlach’s inaugural assessment of the US economy.

Readers can listen to the webcast by clicking on the following link or the image below.

More recently, he noted the divergence below, with Bitcoin rapidly outpacing both gold and the S&P 500’s gains over the past year, adding ominously, “Great dispersions often precede great reversions.” So will Gundlach announce his full-blown endorsement of the cryptocurrency? Stay tuned to find out.

We’ll update this post with periodic highlights from the webcast.

Gundlach explains the title of today’s webcast “Looking Backward”, which is a nod to a novel written in 1888, and where the protagonist of Edward Bellamy’s socialist-utopian novel goes into a trance in 1887 and awakens in 2000. Gundlach says the novel resembles situations in society today. In the novel the protagonist finds a year 2000 described as having shorter working weeks and equal distribution of goods. In the book, Boston is part of a totally changed world in which the U.S. has been transformed to a socialist utopia, which includes internet and full-benefits retirement at 45.

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PA: Jews are “defiling Jerusalem,” “invading the Al-Aqsa Mosque” when they visit the Temple Mount

Palwatch: Did you know Jews are constantly “invading” and “defiling” the Al-Aqsa Mosque?

At least that’s what the Palestinian Authority leaders want Palestinians to believe is happening when Jews visit the Temple Mount. In a broadcast on official PA TV, PA shows footage of Jews at the Temple Mount while text on the screen warns viewers:

“The occupation’s forces and its settlers invade the Al-Aqsa Mosque
Jerusalem will not be defiled”

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed this antisemitic broadcast previously, as well as similar expressions, claiming that hordes of Jews are “invading” and “defiling” Muslim and Christian holy sites. This song broadcast on the official PA radio is such an example:

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Joe Biden Goes 48 Days Without a Press Conference, Ignores Questions About Border Crisis

Breitbart: President Joe Biden ignored questions from reporters about if there was a crisis at America’s southern border Tuesday.

Biden, sporting two masks, pivoted awkwardly to the right, and then to the left, as reporters shouted questions at him while he visited a small business struggling to stay open during the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden’s press staff repeatedly thanked the press and urged them to leave the room while he ignored their questions.

Number of Illegal Border Crossings Now 6 Times What Obama Team Considered “ Crisis” | The Heritage Foundation

The last time Biden was asked if there was a crisis at the border, he disagreed.

“No. We’ll be able to handle it. God willing”

South Dakota’s Gov. Kristi Noem will sign bill BANNING transgender athletes from participating in girls’ sports

Daily Mail: The bill will require schools and athletic associations to collect waivers in regard to the ‘reproductive biology’ of every student athlete in the state

  • The SD bill passed Senate on Monday after earlier making it through the House
  • The ACLU of South Dakota is among those who oppose the signing of the bill
  • On his first day in office, Joe Biden issued an executive order that suggested schools should allow athletes to play under their chosen gender identity
  • The bills come as other states debate cementing rules on whether it’s fair for transgender females to compete against biological females
  • Mississippi also is set to ban transgender participation in sports – making both states the first two in the country to move on the issue

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Biden’s eyes ‘are now dead’: Bannon says President Kamala is imminent

Vice President Kamala Harris talks on the phone with French President Emmanuel Macron Monday, Feb. 15, 2021, at the Blair House in Washington, D.C. (Official White House photo by Lawrence Jackson)

WND: Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon believes America should prepare for a transition to a President Harris.

Bannon was speaking with the author of the book “Biden Unauthorized,” Mike McCormick, on his “War Room” video podcast, reported Conservative Brief.

Bannon pointed to a photo of Biden on the cover of McCormick’s book that was taken some years ago, showing a glint in the eyes of the longtime senator and former vice president.

His “eyes are now dead,” Bannon said of Biden, noting Harris has a much greater role than previous vice presidents, including meeting with foreign leaders. Read More