Prophecy Today Radio August 3, 2024: Israel on the Precipice
| Author1 | Bible prophecy, Benjamin Netanyahu, End Times, Gaza, God, Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, Jesus Christ, National security, Palestinian, Rapture, Russia, Turkey
Israel morns 12 Druze children killed by Hezbollah
Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Rick DeYoung, and ‘Prophecy Partners’ on the Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast heard on over 400 stations around the world…
Ken Timmerman – David Dolan – Yisrael (Winkie) Medad
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Legacy Series – 6 Mock Trials of Jesus Christ…
A Look at the Book Jimmy and Rick – After the Rapture…
Listen to the Broa…

Only 1 type of alien life-form could make it to Earth’s doorstep: Harvard expert
Avi Loeb, Harvard astrophysicist
Opinion: UFO activity burst on the Fox news channel, with Maria Bartiromo and former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, that gave the appearance that there was a breakthrough coming on classified UFO data:
Fox Business, March 23, 2021
Pentagon Task Force Report On UFO Intelligence Expected By June 1

A Message to Maui… The Truth May Shock You
Activist Post Note: When Anonymous speaks, people need to listen. Elements of this video are still considered highly speculative by the general public, but there is an equal amount of provable backstory and current corruption here that is also worth considering. This is a must-see video.
“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” Matthew…

Joe Biden and the ‘Impossible’ Task of Refilling America’s Oil Reserves
| Author1 | Antichrist, Bible prophecy, End Times, GEO POLITICS, GLOBAL ECONOMY, National security, President Joe Biden, Saudi Arabia
Free Beacon: President Joe Biden in December began working to replenish the 180 million barrels he sold last year from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Nearly six months later, he still has zero barrels to show for it.
Biden’s Energy Department on Monday announced its intention to purchase up to three million reserve barrels as a “continuation” of the president’s “replenishment strategy.” So fa…

Senators Introduce S.884 To Create Digital Identity For All Americans
| Author1 | Antichrist, Bible prophecy, End of the age, End Times, GEO POLITICS, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, National security, One World Government, Rapture
Arizona’s very own Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has joined the WEF and Bilderberg group to enter the rarified atmosphere of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Elected as a Democrat, she became an Independent so she could work both sides of the political aisle. Sinema is a climber and S.884 proves the point.⁃ TN Editor
Technocracy: U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema, an independent of Arizona, and Cynthia Lummis…

Tucker Carlson Sounds The Alarm Over De-Dollarization
| Author1 | Antichrist, Bible prophecy, End of the age, Federal Reserve, GEO POLITICS, GLOBAL ECONOMY, National security, US Economy
Fox News: As we’ve noted several times of late, a growing number of countries are threatening the US dollar’s status as the global reserve currency by conducting global trade without it – you know, the thing Saddam and Gaddafi threatened to do before they were ‘liberated’ from their mortal coils for other stated reasons. Read more …
Opinion: Once the US dollar is …

Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast June 11 – June 18
| Author1 | Benjamin Netanyahu, Bible prophecy, Iran, Iraq, Israel, National security, President Joe Biden, Russia
Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr and Rick DeYoung on the Prophecy Today Radio broadcast heard on over 80 stations around the world.
Today’s Guests:
Ken Timmerman: IAEA report that Iran shut down cameras on it’s nuclear sites/Iranian proxy terror attacks in the Middle East/ A seized oil tanker sailing from Iraq to Texas on international waters, and more on Germany, Russia and Ukraine …
David Dolan:…

Beck: 10 Steps To Design a National Emergency
There are 3 pillars needed to transform America outside of the Constitution, and the Biden administration is crossing each one off its list. In fact, a 10 step ‘action plan’ to remedy climate change — presented to President Biden when he took office — eerily represents nearly all actions the left is taking today. THIS is their roadmap, Glenn explains, to gain more control over your life. They’r…

The Border Is Open, and Al-Qaeda Is Calling on Jihadis to Come In
Front Page Mag: Old Joe Biden’s handlers have essentially erased the Southern border, and as a result, illegals are streaming in at a rapid clip. Even the New York Times, a reliable Leftist propaganda organ, admitted last October that “migrants were encountered 1.7 million times in the last 12 months, the highest number of illegal crossings recorded since at least 1960.”
A new record could be s…

Biden Set to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines for Military as Soon as September
| Author1 | Bible prophecy, End Times, GEO POLITICS, GLOBAL ECONOMY, National security, President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden
The New American: The U.S. military is preparing to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for all personnel as soon as September 1, according to a report in the Army Times. The military newspaper first reported the expected mandate on Friday, before the long holiday weekend.
The mandate for servicemembers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine is dependent upon the experimental vaccines receiving full approva…

60 Minutes: UFOs in Restricted U.S. Airspace
Bill Whitaker reports on the regular sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, that have spurred a report due to Congress next month.
We have tackled many strange stories on 60 Minutes, but perhaps none like this. It’s the story of the U.S. government’s grudging acknowledgment of unidentified aerial phenomena— UAP—more commonly known as UFOs. After decades of public denial the Pentag…

NASA: SpaceX starship had ‘near miss with a UFO’, astronauts told to prepare for CRASH
Sun, US: THE SPACEX starship is reported to have had a near miss with a UFO – with astronauts on board told to buckle up and prepare for a crash, Nasa has revealed.
While en route to the International Space Station after a successful launch in Florida, the four crew members were notified they could soon collide with an unknown object.
The four astronauts on board were told to put on their pre…