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Iran’s President Says ‘No Doubt’ US Will Return to Nuclear Deal Commitments

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Thursday he was certain the incoming US administration will return to its nuclear deal commitments and lift crippling sanctions on his country.

“I have no doubt that the three-year resistance of the Iranian people will persuade the future American government to return to its commitments and the sanctions will be broken,” Rouhani said.

5 reasons Trump scrapping the Iran nuke deal was 'an incredibly stupid decision'

US President Donald Trump pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers in 2018 and imposed new sanctions.

Biden will seek to reenter Iran nuclear deal within months, former aide says | The Times of Israel

President-elect Joe Biden’s coming to power has raised the possibility that Washington could rejoin the agreement. Read More

45 of 50 biggest U.S. companies turned profit since March

(Drone shows cars lining up at Share Your Christmas food distribution event in Kissimmee, Fla. Photo: Paul Hennessy/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

2020 has been an awesome year for Corporate America, but not so much for Working America.

The big picture: 45 of America’s 50 biggest publicly traded companies have turned profits since March, while nearly 8 million Americans have fallen into poverty since June, the WashPost reports in a pair of striking stories.

  • “At least 27 of the 50 largest firms held layoffs this year, collectively cutting more than 100,000 workers,” according to a WashPost analysis.
  • “[T]he increase in poverty this year … is the biggest jump in a single year since the government began tracking poverty 60 years ago. It is nearly double the next-largest rise, which occurred in 1979-1980 during the oil crisis,” reports WashPost’s Heather Long.

That gap extends to CEOs versus regular consumers, Axios’ Dion Rabouin reported earlier this week.

  • CEO confidence in Q3 was 48% higher than at the beginning of 2019.
  • Consumer confidence was 16% lower than in January 2019.

Between the lines: The expiration of enhanced unemployment benefits played a big part in the poverty spike, economists told The Post.

The bottom line: “These are times when the strong can get stronger,” Nike CEO John Donahoe said in September. Read More

McCarthy: FBI Stonewalling on Briefing Congress on Eric Swalwell’s Reported Chinese Spy Ties

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Wednesday he has asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a briefing on Rep. Eric Swalwell’s reported ties to a Chinese spy and the agency has canceled two times.

Kevin McCarthy gears up to run for Speaker in 2022 - Axios

“Swalwell is a national security liability. This is too important for the FBI to continue to stonewall,” he tweeted.

I have asked the FBI for a briefing on Rep. Swalwell’s ties to a reported-spy from China. Twice it has been scheduled. Twice it has been canceled by the FBI. Swalwell is a national security liability. This is too important for the FBI to continue to stonewall. Read more

Gideon Saar registers new party: ‘New Hope – Unity for Israel’

Former MK Gideon Saar on Thursday morning registered his new party with the Registrar of Parties. The party requested the name “New Hope – Unity for Israel.”

It should be noted that in doing so, Saar finally decided in favor of establishing his own political platform and setting aside the possibility of running in the elections on the base of the Derech Eretz party of Yoaz Hendel and Zvi Hauser.

Gideon Saar and Yifat Shasha-Biton

(Gideon Saar and Yifat Shasha-Biton)

In the application for registration, the goals of the party were stated, including:

Activity for the realization of the natural and historical rights of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel.

Establishing the identity of Israel as the state of the Jewish people, whose government is democratic, protecting its values ​​as the nation state of the Jewish people, which upholds human rights and practices equal rights for individuals.

– Promoting the education system and making it one of the leading education systems in the world, while emphasizing excellence, reducing gaps and providing equal opportunity for every child, strengthening the status of teacher and educator in Israeli society.

– Development of the country, encouraging policies of population dispersal and strengthening of the social and geographical periphery. Encouraging settlement and agriculture in the Galilee and the Negev, in Samaria and Judea, and on the eastern border – from the Golan Heights, along the
the Jordan and the Arava to Eilat.

– A free market economy while ensuring fair opportunity for all and a commitment to concern for others.

-Promoting reforms in all state authorities, including law enforcement and judicial systems. Read More

First Glitches Emerge In COVID-Vax Rollout; Alaska Health Worker Suffers ‘Serious Allergic Reaction’

A healthcare worker in Alaska was hospitalized on Tuesday with a ‘serious allergic reaction’ after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to the New York Times.

UK Issues Allergy Warning For COVID Vaccine - YouTube

The person, who had no known drug allergies, was still in the hospital on Wednesday morning under observation, according to the report. It is unknown whether they suffer from any other types of allergies. The Alaska resident’s reaction was reportedly similar to anaphylactic reactions two heal workers in Britain experience after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine last week – both of whom have recovered. Of note, they both had a history of severe allergies. One, a 49-year-old woman, is allergic to eggs (which Pfizer says are not in their vaccine). The other, a 40-year-old woman is allergic to several different medications. Both routinely carry EpiPenn-like devices in case of reactions.

After the workers in Britain fell ill, authorities there initially warned against giving the vaccines to anyone with a history of severe allergic reactions. They later clarified their concerns, changing the wording from “severe allergic reactions” to specify that the vaccine should not be given to anyone who has ever had an anaphylactic reaction to a food, medicine or vaccine. That type of reaction to a vaccine is “very rare,” they said. –NYT

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Fed Leaves All Policies Unchanged, Will Keep QE Until “Substantial Further Progress” Made

  • Spending on household goods has recovered but spending on services still lower
  • Recovery has been quicker than expected
  • Forecasts have been boosted since Sept
  • Will not lose sight of millions out of work
  • Outlooks is extraordinarily uncertain and depends on the virus
  • It remains difficult to assess timing and scope of vaccine rollout
  • Next few months are likely to prove very challenging
  • Fewer at the Fed see risks to the downside than in Sept
  • If progress to our goals were to slow, our policy is designed to react
  • It will take ‘awhile’ to get back to levels in economy and employment from the beginning of 2020
  • We are committee to using full range of tools
Translation: Print baby print. Read More

Long Island Jewish Day School’s Website Hacked With Antisemitic Messages, Nazi Imagery

Parents and students at a Jewish school in Long Island, New York, were left deeply shaken on Monday after hackers using the name “K-ke Slayer” defaced the institution’s website with Nazi imagery and antisemitic invective.

Long Island Hebrew School Hacked With Antisemitic Messages – CBS New York

Shortly after 4 p.m. on Monday afternoon, visitors to the website of the Great Neck North Shore Hebrew Academy High School were bombarded with “Nazi songs, imagery and messages,” according to the online watchdog, which monitored and recorded the hack in real time.

“North Shore Hebrew Death Camp,” another page read.

A different page included details of a “field trip” to Auschwitz, that listed the application deadline as “January 1945” and said students would have to “walk into an SS office and declare themselves as Jews.”

More Nazi imagery was also posted on the “About Us” page, which was hacked to read “The k-ke race.” Read More …


Yes, Georgia Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock Is a Radical, Bigoted Nutjob

PJ Media: Rev. Raphael Warnock, one of the Democratic candidates for the U.S. Senate in Georgia runoff elections, praised the racist and anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan‘s Nation of Islam back in 2013.

On July 11, 2013, Warnock gave a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, N.Y., called “The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety and Public Witness.”

During the Q&A after the lecture, he was asked by a member of the audience about the Nation of Islam’s relationship with the church, and whether “the black church” is having similar attendance problems as “so-called mainstream white” churches and synagogues.

“Well, the Nation of Islam is significant. But its numbers don’t come anywhere near the membership of our churches,” Warnock explained. “Its voice has been important, and its voice has been important even for the development of black theology, because it was the black Muslims who challenged black preachers, and said, ‘You’re promulgating,’ you know, they called ‘the white man’s religion. That’s a slave religion. You’re telling people to focus on heaven. Meanwhile, they’re catching hell.’ And so we needed the witness of the nation of Islam in a real sense to put a fire under us and keep us honest about the meaning of the proclamation coming from our pulpits.”

In February 2013, Warnock defended the sermon in which Wright proclaimed “God Damn America” as a “very fine homily entitled on confusing God and government” and said it was “consistent with black prophetic preaching.”

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FDA staff recommends watching for Bell’s palsy in Moderna and Pfizer vaccine recipients

  • The FDA said that there were four reported cases of Bell’s palsy among Moderna’s 30,000 trial participants, including three who got the vaccine.
  • However, “currently available information is insufficient to determine a causal relationship with the vaccine,” the FDA wrote in briefing documents.
  • The FDA’s guidance for Moderna’s vaccine issued Tuesday was similar to its guidance on Pfizer’s vaccine last week.