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Saudi Arabia Agrees to Allow Israeli Commercial Planes to Cross Its Airspace

Saudi Arabia agreed on Monday to let Israeli airliners cross its airspace en route to the United Arab Emirates after talks between Saudi officials and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, a senior Trump administration official said.

Kushner and Middle East envoys Avi Berkowitz and Brian Hook raised the issue shortly after they arrived in Saudi Arabia for talks.

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Beijing “Unexpectedly” Injects $30 Billion Into Financial System, Sparking Doubts About True State Of China’s Economy

Back in late 2019, we were frequently greeted by headlines such as this, indicating that PBOC was periodically making “unexpected” liquidity injections, which made sense in light of China’s ongoing economic slowdown:

China Unexpectedly Injects 28 Billion Cash As Growth Slows

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Amazon says this year’s holiday shopping period has been the biggest in its history

More consumers are doing their holiday shopping from their couch this year, due to the pandemic. Amazon is widely expected to be one of the biggest winners this holiday season, with one Wall Street firm estimating it could capture 42 cents of every dollar spent during the busy shopping period.

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Biden Owes Big Tech and They’re Gonna Want Payback

The presidential election of 2020 may have had more moving parts than any other in the history of the United States.

There was the ever-present potential for fraud with mail-in ballots. There was the Chinese Bat Flu. There was the complete abdication of journalistic responsibility by the mainstream media. One factor that is becoming more and more apparent is the role Big Tech played in placing a heavy thumb on the scale to help Joe Biden.

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