Author: Author1
The future is far brighter than this present darkness...
AOC demands Biden ‘takes responsibility and reverses’ border wall construction
the New York congresswoman slammed the move...
“The Palestinian problem is no longer our concern”
Palestinians have cheated Arab governments for decades and only want their money...
White House In FULL PANIC MODE Over Border Crisis
The White House has finally admitted there’s a problem...
Demonic Hollywood: New Apple TV Show Portrays Pro-lifers as Villains
the character is portrayed as a victim of those mean Republicans who want to stop baby murder...
Israel’s alleged airstrike: A message to 3 regional actors
It appears that this attack targeted an Iranian attempt to smuggle advanced weaponry into Syria...
Jordan asserts authority on Palestinian Issue amid Israel-Saudi normalization
Jordan still considers them refugees with a right of return to Palestine...
Armageddon, Balfour Declaration, Edom, ME peace, Right of Return, US Saudi deal
West Bank: Two Palestinian terrorists killed and 5 IDF soldiers injured
a grenade explosion injured five Border Police soldiers...
OpenAI’s ChatGPT Maintains Blacklist of Websites, Including Breitbart News
it means ChatGPT is forbidden from using a number of conservative sources...
Marshals are being brought in to police ‘charge rage’ rows between EV drivers
long waits for plug-in points made drivers 'very angry and stressed'...
Olive Tree Ministries Newsletter: As You See the Day Approaching
we can assume that for such a significant time in history, God is going to send warning signs...
Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened
the book takes a deep dive into the role of truth within a society...