Australia will refer to West Bank as ‘occupied Palestinian territories’ Written on August 10, 2023. Posted in anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, China, End Times, Gaza, GEO POLITICS, God, Israel, President Barack Obama, President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden. The Australian government is strengthening its opposition to settlements... Article 49, Australia, Balfour Declaration, occupied, Resolution 242, Six Day War Continue reading
White House denies agreement on outline for Israel-Saudi deal Written on August 10, 2023. Posted in PT Middle East. Washington in return is asking Riyadh to place limits on its burgeoning ties with China... Continue reading
Electric Bus Company Proterra Backed Heavily by Biden Administration Files for Bankruptcy Written on August 10, 2023. Posted in PT Global Economy. Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm hyped the company in her official capacity... Continue reading
A Shift Away From Biblical Faith: Why Are So Many Quitting Christianity? Written on August 9, 2023. Posted in Bible prophecy. The Bible very clearly warns that spiritual deception will lead many to fall away from Christ in the end times... deception, great falling away, nones Continue reading
Americans are pulling money out of their 401(k) plans at an alarming rate Written on August 9, 2023. Posted in PT Global Economy. It’s a “pretty troubling” development if more people are resorting to making hardship withdrawals Continue reading
Russia Condemns Western Nations for Pressuring Iran Over Nuclear Program Written on August 9, 2023. Posted in PT World Order. Russia has been deepening ties with Iran since its invasion of Ukraine... Continue reading
Trapped Jewish descendants in Ethiopia await rescue Written on August 9, 2023. Posted in anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End of the age, God, Israel. The aliyah of the Ethiopian Jew as been of great prophetic interest to us since first posting it in 2013... Continue reading
Biden Admin Has Given $2.35 Billion to Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan Written on August 9, 2023. Posted in PT Middle East. it is more than likely that a sizable portion of these funds will end up in the terror group’s coffers... Continue reading
Banks get a downgrade from Moody’s. Here are the 10 lenders impacted. Written on August 9, 2023. Posted in PT Global Economy. The actions come after a banking crisis that started in March with the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank... Continue reading
As Israeli Airstrikes Target Damascus, Is Isaiah’s Prophecy Regarding Syria On The Horizon? Written on August 8, 2023. Posted in Bible prophecy, End Times, Israel, Syria. Iran is working to transport precision-guided missiles (PGMs) through Syria,,, Continue reading
Stephen Moore: New banking regulations could sink the economy Written on August 8, 2023. Posted in PT Global Economy. Congress and the Federal Reserve want to raise bank capital reserve requirements... Continue reading
PayPal debuts US dollar-backed stablecoin for payments Written on August 8, 2023. Posted in PT Global Economy. These coins are pegged to the US dollar or other fiat currencies, but still come with concerns their value can tank. Continue reading