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SUNDAY STUDY #1: Hanukkah and Christmas on the Same Day, a Rare Occurrence

Two holidays will be celebrated across the country, as the first night of Hanukkah falls on the same day as Christmas. The Jewish celebration of the festival of lights begins at sundown Wednesday, just as Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas and Hanukkah on the same day is rare.  The Hebrew calendar not aligning with the Gregorian calendar, causes the start of the Han…

SUNDAY STUDY: Rapture and Revelation

By William E. Blackstone. “Jesus Is Coming”, Chapter 9: Rapture and Revelation. Two things are of vital importance, in order to the right understanding of this subject, and these are: First. The distinction between the Rapture and the Revelation. Rapture means to be caught up, or away. Revelation (apokalypsis) means Appearing or shining forth or manifestation. The Rapture occurs when the Church…


Excerpted from Dave Hunt, Before the cross of Christ, mankind was divided into two groups: Jews and Gentiles. The Old and New Testaments both make very clear what caused this distinction. It was the covenants God had made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and with their descendants through Moses. These covenants were for Israel alone and separated her from all other nations …

SUNDAY STUDY: The Word of God

By T.A. McMahon The Word of God is the chief focus of this message. This is also a survey regarding the way you and I think about the Word of God. It has to do with how seriously we take the Bible to be the actual Word of God. This isn’t a test. Again, it’s a survey between you and the Lord. I put the Lord in the mix so that I’d remember to be honest regarding my own thoughts…

SUNDAY STUDY: God’s Foreknowledge and our Free Will

From Can you believe both in God’s foreknowledge and our power of choice? If God knows ahead of time that someone is going to do something, how can they decide for themselves? Isn’t foreknowledge the same as predestination? The biblical doctrine of foreknowledge simply states that God knows everything that will happen before it happens—which, as God, He must know. Prophecy, in…


By In desperation, the Philippian jailer cried, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul’s reply was simple: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” (Acts 16:31). The great apostle said nothing about baptism or sacraments, candles, incense, church attendance, reforming one’s life, or anything else being necessary or even helpful for salvation. From Genesis to …

SUNDAY STUDY: “for all the earth is Mine”

“…if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.” Exodus 19:5 For three days the whole nation of Israel went through purification rituals to prepare to meet the LORD at the base of Mount Sinai. “… there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain… Mount Sinai was complete…

SUNDAY STUDY: Jerusalem – The Most Important City in the World

Why is Jerusalem, among all the cities of the world, so important in ages past and still today? The problem of Israel and Jerusalem is apparently intractable to the other nations of the world, and it must be resolved by God. Zechariah 12 also shows that it will indeed be solved “in that day”–the day when Christ returns. Click HERE to read today’s Study.


From “There is a wide difference between your religion and mine,” said a Christian lady to one in whose spiritual condition she had long been interested. “Indeed,” said he, “how is that?” “Your religion,” she replied, “has only two letters in it, and mine has four.” It seems that this gentleman was one of that numerous class seeking to get to heav…

SUNDAY STUDY: The Value of a Soul

You Can’t Measure the Value of the Human Soul By Pastor Adrian Rogers ( Your body will die, but your living soul, made in the image of God, will go on. You should not give yourself rest until your soul’s destiny is settled. Many say, “I don’t want to surrender my life to Jesus.” But Jesus said, “Whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his l…

SUNDAY STUDY: God’s Will vs. Satan’s Will

Satan fell before the foundation of the world and he has been trying to corrupt the world ever since. Isaiah 14:13-14 tells how Satan set out to elevate himself above the angels, to sit enthroned in the place of God, and become like God. You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost h…

SUNDAY STUDY: Are We Religious or Spiritual?

A Bible Study  by Jack Kelley These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men” (Isaiah 29:13). God had the prophet Isaiah condemn the people of Israel for their religious practices although many of these practices had been ordained by God Himself.  He had …