Prophecy Today Radio November 30, 2024
| Author1 | Bible prophecy, Benjamin Netanyahu, China, End Times, God, Gospel, Hezbollah, Iran, ISIS, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, President Donald Trump, Russia, Syria, Temple Mount, Ukraine
Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Rick DeYoung, and ‘Prophecy Partners’ on the Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast heard on over 400 stations around the world…
Ken Timmerman – David Dolan
Interview: Dr. Gershon Solomon (Temple Mount Faithful) Dr. Jimmy DeYoung
Paul Scharf – Mike Gendron
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Legacy Series – The Christmas Story
Listen to the Broadcast HERE

SUNDAY STUDY: Jerusalem – The Most Important City in the World
| Editor | anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, God, Gospel, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Palestinian, Sunday Posts, Temple Mount
Why is Jerusalem, among all the cities of the world, so important in ages past and still today?
The problem of Israel and Jerusalem is apparently intractable to the other nations of the world, and it must be resolved by God. Zechariah 12 also shows that it will indeed be solved “in that day”–the day when Christ returns.
Click HERE to read today’s Study.

Yom Kippur Begins at Sundown October 11, 2024 to Sundown October 12, 2024
In the past, Jews from all over would gather in the Temple to experience the sacred sight of the High Priest performing his service, obtaining forgiveness for all of Israel.
These sacrifices that were required during the Temple era are not required in the new covenant Church. Jesus Christ offered Himself as the substitute sacrificial lamb and paid the sin debt in full for all, through the shedd…

Prophecy Today Radio August 17, 2024
| Author1 | Bible prophecy, End Times, Gaza, GLOBAL ECONOMY, God, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Palestinian, Prayer, President Joe Biden, Rapture, Russia, Temple Mount, Ukraine
Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Rick DeYoung, and ‘Prophecy Partners’ on the Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast heard on over 400 stations around the world…
Ken Timmerman – David Dolan – Itamar Marcus – RC Morro – Frank Lewark
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Legacy Series… Continuing in the Book of Zechariah
“A Look at the Book” Jimmy and Rick…
Listen to the Broadcast HERE

US leads international condemnations of Ben Gvir’s ‘provocations’ at Temple Mount
The Times of Israel: Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir faced a wave of criticism from around the world on Tuesday after he declared that Jewish prayer is allowed atop the Temple Mount amid his own visit to the flashpoint site — violating the status quo and directly contradicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s own directives.
Condemnation of his visit and comments poured …

SUNDAY STUDY: Tisha B’Av – Mon, Aug 12, 2024 – Tue, Aug 13, 2024
| Editor | Temple Mount, anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, God, Israel, Jerusalem, Sunday Posts, Third Temple
Excerpts from the Temple Institute
Zechariah 7:3 “…Should I weep in the fifth month and fast as I have done for so many years?”
Tisha B’Av, meaning the Ninth of Av, is Judaism’s annual day of fast in memory of the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. According to Jewish belief, both temples were destroyed on the same day – 656 years apart. On the Gregorian calendar, the d…

Do Kamala Harris and the Democrats have a Jewish problem?
| Author1 | anti-Semitism, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bible prophecy, Israel, Jerusalem, President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden, Temple Mount
Israel 365 News (Excerpt):
It was an open secret in Washington that even in an administration that was staffed largely by Obama-era alumni, Harris was the most openly sympathetic to the Palestinians and the least inclined to stand with a Jewish state that had suffered the worst mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.
From the start of the war that was launched by Hamas on Oct. 7, she has be…

SUNDAY STUDY: The Gates of Jerusalem
| Editor | Bible prophecy, End Times, God, Holy Spirit, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Sunday Posts, Temple Mount
There are eight gates – seven are open and one is sealed
East Gate or Golden Gate
1. GOLDEN GATE (EAST GATE) – The first and most important gate is the Golden Gate (named from Christian literature), also called the Eastern Gate (its location), or Mercy Gate (as it’s known in Hebrew). Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through this gate. He had been staying in Beth…

Signs Intensifying: What’s Ahead for Israel?
| Author1 | anti-Semitism, Antichrist, Bible prophecy, End Times, God, Gospel, Hamas, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Rapture, Temple Mount
Note to our members. Today we are introducing a ‘Prophecy Partner’ and Friends of Israel author, Paul Scharf, to our website. ‘What’s Ahead for Israel’ was a discussion topic on Prophecy Today Radio this past Saturday, and Paul has given me permission to reprint it for our members.
As we approach this New Year, our world is weighted down with manifold troubles. Yet believers …

Hamas Spokesman: Oct 7 attack launched to stop the red heifers
| Author1 | Antichrist, anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End Times, Gaza, God, Hamas, Israel, Jesus Christ, Palestinian, Temple Mount, Third Temple
Israel 365 News: Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Izz ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Hamas terrorist organization, made a televised appearance on the 100th day of the Israeli war on Gaza.
The Palestine Chronicle translated his speech. In the third paragraph, Abu Obeidah listed the motives for the Hamas a…The iconic Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, made a televised appearance on the 100th day of the Israeli war on Gaza. pic.twitter.com/gu2LDVVMuh
— The Palestine Chronicle (@PalestineChron) January 14, 2024

Peace with the Saudis is easy – they just want the Temple Mount
| Author1 | anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End of the age, GEO POLITICS, God, Saudi Arabia, Temple Mount
How does trading one Muslim landlord for another advance Israel’s restoration?
Israel Today: As holy as it is to the Jewish people, Israel has no problem bargaining with the Temple Mount for perceived political gain. After liberating the sacred plateau from hostile Muslim rule in 1967, Israel promptly handed it back to a hostile Muslim body, the Jordanian Waqf.
Now the Saudis are saying that t…

A Letter From Ken Timmerman: The Catastrophe that the UN has Become
| Author1 | Bible prophecy, End Times, European Union, GEO POLITICS, Iran, Israel, President Joe Biden, Temple Mount, UN
Dear RC,
The media was full of the UN General Assembly this year, and it was almost comic to watch them dance around the catastrophe that the UN has become.
The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, had the most often quoted line: the UN has become “sclerotic,” he said, “hobbled by hostile forces.”
No small wonder that Joe Biden was the only head of st…