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Palestinian leaders/supporters expressing alarm over Netanyahu’s “smite the Amalek” reference

Opinion: I never thought I would hear an Israeli Prime Minister speak of Amalek especially while being engaged in battle with his descendants.

I began writing about the illegitimate grandson of Esau in March 2011 around the time of the Jewish feast of Purim. At the time I was primarily interested to see if there could be a possible blood connection between some of the most heinous Jew killers in history. Shortly after I read Exodus 17:16:

“Because the Lord has sworn: the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.”

I never met a Christian who has heard of Amalek and I never met a Religious Jew who has not…

Read the Zero Hedge article HERE

I am prayerfully considering a final edition our book Antichrist the search for Amalek

Amalek, Esau