SUNDAY STUDY: Confessing Our Sins
confession, fellowship, forgiveness, grace, Jack Kelley, mercy, repentance, salvation, sin
confession, fellowship, forgiveness, grace, Jack Kelley, mercy, repentance, salvation, sin
grace,, Jack Kelley, salvation, Thanksgiving
atonement, death, faith, grace, redemption, salvation, sin, The Berean Call
C H Mackintosh, faith, grace, Middletown Baptist Church, religion, salvation, sin
faith, forgiveness, grace, repentance, salvation, sin, wrath of God
2nd Coming, Abraham, Day of the Lord, days of Noah, grace, Hal Lindsey, judgment, repentance, Sodom, wrath of God
faith, grace, Jack Kelley, Law, love, righteousness, salvation, sin
“For whoever shall keep the whole law, yet stumbles at one point is guilty of breaking law” James 2:10.
It has to be all the law, all the time ,otherwise the law is of no benefit to you as a means of attaining righteousness.
The “Law” was given that men might know what sin is, “for by the ‘Law’ is the knowledge of sin,” (Rom 3: 20).
And also:
“Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come.” Galatians 3:19
Click HERE to read today’s devotional.
CCP Chinese Communist Party, Christianity, crosses, faith, grace, Vatican-China deal