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UNESCO classifies ancient Jericho as ‘Palestinian heritage site’

Israel MFA: ‘Decision another sign of the Palestinians’ cynical use of UNESCO and the politicization of the organization.’

Two interesting points from the article:

Interesting how the first tel, a mound consisting of the accumulated and stratified debris of a succession of consecutive settlements, is estimated to be 9500 years old when the Bible dates the creation of the world as 6000 years old.

Interesting that Jericho is now considered a Palestinian city since

  •  there is no such thing as a Palestinian and
  • there were scant signs of Arabs living in Israel until the Jews started returning in 1891 creating employment and
  • the Arabs, descendants of Esau (Edom), have returned to take back Esau’s squandered birthright (Genesis 25:29-34) to fulfill prophecy Malachi 1:4-5

George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, UNESCO