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“The Saudis Are Sending Us A 50 Million Barrel Oil Bomb”

Zero Hedge: By now even the 165,727 “professional investors” who are long the USO ETF on the free, glitch-prone platform Robin Hood, are aware that the problem facing global oil production is that there is simply no storage where to put all the physical oil (as we warned in late March).

And if even the army of Robinhood-ers now know how impossible it is to find space for physical oil on the continental US, then Saudi Arabia – which sparked the current crude crisis and which will not stop until shale is completely crushed – is certainly aware.

Which is why with the US unable to store its own output, some 50 million barrels of Saudi oil are on their way to the United States and due to arrive in the coming weeks, piling even more pressure on markets already struggling to absorb a glut of stocks, Reuters and Marine Traffic reported. Read More …

Opinion: Ethel, I think we are fighting a losing game!

Problem #1

While President Trump has offered to cut production, U.S. antitrust law prohibits oil companies from coordinating their production, and there is no direct mechanism for the government to dictate production levels to private oil companies.

Problem #2 

Oil wells can’t simply be turned off and on like tap water. It can take weeks to shut one down – it costs lots of money to shut one down and even more money to start them up again (if they don’t fail). So oil producers have an incentive to keep production flowing, even if they are operating at a loss and, in extreme circumstances, actually paying people to take crude off their hands.

Problem #3 

The Port Arthur refinery in Texas, which can process 600,000 barrels of oil per day, is completely owned by Aramco (Saudi Arabia). The change of ownership, completed in 2017, should give the oil giant the ability to pump more Saudi crude into North America.

Problem #4

There are over 100 shale producers in the US and for them to stay profitable oil needs to trade at $40 per barrel. When oil dropped to $30 per barrel, only 4 producers were still profitable.  On April 1 the first U.S. shale oil producer, Whiting Oil, filed for bankruptcy.

Problem #5 

The Saudis and Russians have declared war against US shale energy companies. Storage full… largest glut in history. Now the Saudis are sending us a 50 million barrel oil bomb.

Ted Cruz:

“20 tankers—filled w/ 40mm barrels of Saudi oil—are headed to the US. This is SEVEN TIMES the typical monthly flow. At the same time, oil futures are plummeting & millions of US jobs in jeopardy. My message to the Saudis: TURN THE TANKERS THE HELL AROUND”.

President Trump:

The question reached the very top on Monday, when President Trump said he would “look at” possibly stopping Saudi shipments to the United States. While it wasn’t clear what Trump had in mind, last week, Frank Fannon, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for energy resources, said tariffs were a possibility.

Tick tick …

antitrust, Fracking, oil. futures, shale drilling

Turkey Is Building a Geopolitical Alliance Between Sunni and Shiite Islamists

Sigma Turkey Logo

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The recent news about the involvement of Iranian diplomats in the murder of an Iranian dissident in Turkey sparked a flare of international interest from within the all-encompassing coronavirus pandemic coverage, largely thanks to unflattering comparisons with coverage of the Jamal Khashoggi murder in 2018 (which the Iranian press promoted with gusto).

The relative lack of interest in the crime from within Turkey itself reflects Ankara’s willingness to consort with Shiite Islamists to its own advantage.

The involvement of the Iranian government in assassinations of dissidents in Turkey should come as no surprise to anyone who has been watching the military and  ideological alliance that continues to grow between the countries despite their seemingly clashing long-term interests. In view of that alliance, it is naïve to expect Ankara to create a rift with Tehran over Iran’s involvement in a killing on Turkish soil. Read More …

Opinion: Taking a short break from Covid-19.

I have often wondered how a Shia/Sunni alliance would come about in order to fulfill prophecy. And who could be better suited than Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the man who whose dream is to reestablish the Islamic caliphate and be crowned the Sultan of Turkey?

In our eBook ‘Blood Feud’ I illustrated how both factions of Islam would fight side by side.

Psalm 83:

  • Edom and Amalek – (Palestinians of southern Israel) – Edomites/Sunni
  • Philistia – (Palestinians of Gaza) – Edomites/Sunni
  • Ammon, Moab – (Arabs of central and northern Jordan) – Edomites/Sunni
  • Gebal and Tyre – (Arabs of northern (Sunni) and southern Lebanon (Shia) – mixed
  • Assyria – (Arabs of Syria and northern Iraq) – Kurds (Medes)
  • Ishmaelites – (Arabs of Saudi Arabia) – Ishmaelites/Sunni

Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38):

Ezekiel 38:1-6 Gog is a prince from the far north

  • Magog – (Russia)
  • Persia – (Iran – Edomites/Shia)
  • Meshech, Togarmah, Gomer, Tubal – (Turkey- Edomites/Sunni)
  • Cush – (Ethiopia), Sudan, Somalia – (possibly* Ishmaelites/Sunni)
  • Put – (Libya) – (possibly* Ishmaelites/Sunni)

If you look closely at the two alliances, none of the Arab armies of Psalm 83 are in Ezekiel’s war. It would be impossible to imagine the massive Gog Magog alliance covering Israel like a cloud (Ez. 38:9), and yet none of Israel’s Arab neighbors joining in, perhaps indicating they are so decimated from Psalm 83 that they are unable to launch an attack.

Israel has not lost a war since her prophesied rebirth (Isa. 66:7-8), and according to Amos 9:15, they will never lose one again.

“I will plant Israel in their own land,
    never again to be uprooted
    from the land I have given them


See Blood Feud chapter 7 here

Ezekiel 38, Islamist, Psalm 83, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Shiite, Sunni