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Pope Francis to Meet with Pro-Abortion Comedians Tomorrow

LifeSite News: Pope Francis will meet with prominent comedians, including pro-abortion Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jimmy Fallon, next Friday in an event that will also feature LGBT activist Jesuit Fr. James Martin. On Saturday, the Vatican announced the event will take place in the Apostolic Palace on June 14 at 8:30 a.m. The meeting “aims to establish a link between the Catholic Chur…

Argentinian President Rebukes The ‘Bloody Abortion Agenda’ At The World Economic Forum

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Harbingers Daily: Argentinian president Javier Milei, a quickly rising hero among conservatives in the Western world, recently rebuked the “bloody abortion agenda” at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In a fiery speech to the gathering of globalists, Milei warned that “the Western world is in danger” thanks to “those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co…

Dr. Linda Royall: Exposing the Abortion Conspiracy

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Who or what influenced Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, to turn from doing good to evil? (11.25 minutes in) Investigative journalist and professor Linda Royall set out in her doctoral studies to research communication strategies which furthered the legalization of abortion. Her focus at first was International Planned Parenthood Federation founder Margaret Sanger. But in the pro…

$670M From Taxpayers: Planned Parenthood Receives More Gov’t Funding In 2022 Than At Any Time In Its History

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant from committing over 374,000 abortions last year. If that weren’t enough, the Biden Democrats made sure Planned Parenthood got a raise of $37 million dollars. If you only listen to abortion activists, the one-Party big tech-media…

Joe Biden’s Immigration Policy Comes Home To Roost

Free Beacon: President Joe Biden’s first acts in office included a rollback of his predecessor’s restrictive immigration policy—one that Biden had characterized on the campaign trail as “cruel” and “inhumane.” The policies of his administration have led to an unprecedented spike in border crossings and, well, the chickens are coming home to roost. A New York Times report on Monday detail…

SUNDAY STUDY: An Issue about Life and Death

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 Margaret Sanger, the leader of the birth control movement and founder of Planned Parenthood, was a hardcore eugenicist. Eugenics, which literally means “good genes (birth)” refers to the “purification” of the human race by the eliminat…

Satan’s Five-Part Plan to Destroy America

Lamb and Lion Ministries: Satan has a five-part plan to disrupt and destroy the United States of America and other Western societies. Allen Parr of Allen Parr Ministries and host of the hit YouTube channel The BEAT joined me on Prophetic Perspectives to reveal Satan’s insidious plan. #1 – Breaking Down Families The breaking down of families isn’t something necessarily new, but currently there a…

Compass International E-News: Off The Rails

From Bill Perkins Dear Compass Supporters: This should be a most interesting summer and fall. Especially if we’re getting close to our rapturous and exciting exit. Very few have a clue as to what is actually happening around the world. The Devil, being the liar that he is, is doing his best to keep the lid on the climbing number of va((ine-caused deaths. Don’t miss the first article in the A…

Sunday Study: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY 2022!

Following the death of her mother in 1905, Anna Jarvis campaigned for years to institute Mother’s Day as a U.S. national holiday. On May 9, 1914, by an act of Congress, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. He established the day as a time for “public expression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.” By then it had become customary to …

Biden: ‘So Many Muslims Are Targeted With Violence’ and ‘Oppressed for Their Religious Beliefs’

Assessment: Complaining about fake violence against Muslims while ignoring real violence by Muslims, Joe cannot be serious: Front Page Mag: Day by day, it seems that the ruling class and their media mouthpiece are dedicated to one principle: find problems where none exist and ignore real problems that are in desperate need of attention. Consider the words of U.S. President Joe Biden, spoken du…

Ga. Senator Raphael Warnock Asks Court To Seal Child Custody Proceedings, Citing Reelection Bid

Free Beacon: Democratic senator Raphael Warnock asked a Georgia judge on Tuesday to seal his contentious child custody dispute from the public, arguing that because he is “currently running for reelection” his opponent could use the case to “gain some political advantage,” according to a court motion obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Warnock made the request in a joint motion with his ex…

FOP report: ‘Horrific’ rise in officers gunned down in 2022

Over 100 police officers were shot in the first three months of 2022, up 46% from 2021, according to a newly released Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) report. Out of the 101 officers shot so far in 2022, at least 17 have been killed, the report found. Ambush-style attacks also increased, up 36% from 2021. National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) @GLFOP …