Meanwhile, WW3 May Be Brewing While We’re Distracted
Syria: there is the real threat of a third world war. Not only is Syria fighting Western-backed terrorists on its territory, there are many more players involved…
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Syria: there is the real threat of a third world war. Not only is Syria fighting Western-backed terrorists on its territory, there are many more players involved…
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The IEA said oil demand will drop by over 9 million barrels a day this year, wiping out a decade of consumption growth.
Everybody knows what’s going on there,” Trump said. “American taxpayers provided between $400 million and $500 million per year to the W.H.O.
Greek forces are on heightened alert they fear that refugees infected with the coronavirus may be among the new wave of asylum seekers…
BlackRock will follow the Fed and other DM central banks by purchasing what they’re purchasing, and assets that rhyme with those …
Global leaders have previously urged China to ban the “deadly and diseased” food markets, but the World Health Organisation disagrees…
Trump said, in a Monday press conference on the coronavirus epidemic, that he posseses “total” authority to require states…
Even accounting for inflation, no modern administration has seen such levels of spending …
2nd Coming, Lifeway research, Pretribulation, Rapture, tribulation
His DNA is being studied for a possible breakthrough for other politicians.
The N12 report noted that no country gives other nations access to its DNA database, which is considered a sensitive national asset that can be be exploited.