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Coronavirus: Knesset okays electronic bracelet for returnees from abroad

JPost: All returnees from abroad can be required to wear an electronic bracelet to ensure that they isolate at home or to quarantine in a hotel, a bill approved by the Knesset on Wednesday stated, while the number of serious patients and the COVID-19 reproduction rate dropped to their lowest level in months.

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1

The legislation passed authorized the government to decide that those who enter the country from abroad or from specific countries will need to choose between the two options, except for children under the age of 14 and other special humanitarian cases.

At the moment, all people entering the country are required to isolate, unless they present a vaccination or a recovery certificate issued by the Health Ministry. Those who got inoculated or recovered abroad can be released from the quarantine if they undergo a serological test to prove their level of antibodies.

Electronic devices have already been used for the purpose of ensuring that people do not break the quarantine for several weeks on a voluntary basis.

Quarantine hotels to close as ministers advance electronic bracelet bill | The Times of Israel

According to the bill, the operation is carried out by private companies on behalf of the ministry. The company will inform the authorities if the person appears to leave their house. Read More 

10-year Treasury yield touches 1.74% despite Fed reassurances


  • The Fed expected core inflation to hit 2.2% this year, but a long-run expectation of it sticking around 2%.
  • The U.S. central bank also indicated that it didn’t plan to hike interest rates through 2023 and that it would continue its program of buying at least $120 billion bonds a month.
  • Quilter Investors portfolio manager Hinesh Patel said that “while no response right now is arguably the only move on offer, whatever Powell does at this juncture, the Fed are taking bond markets to the danger zone.”

Abigail Shrier Says ‘Gender Ideology’ Is ‘Misogyny In Progressive Clothing’ At Senate Hearing On Equality Act

Daily Wire: At the Senate Judicial Committee Hearing on the Equality Act on Wednesday, independent journalist Abigail Shrier presented a serious testimony against the Equality Act due to the inequality it would ensure for young girls and women.

“A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.” Deut. 22:5

Shrier was the focus of controversy after writing a book last year that focused on the transgender movement among young girls, titled “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.”

Shrier has been criticized for being anti-transgender even though she says her book has nothing to do with adults being transgender, but rather is about the “trans epidemic” that impacts young girls. She has also spoken out against censorship in the book world.

Last month, The Daily Wire reported on Shrier’s tweet thread regarding Amazon’s book-banning:

“We’re really not making a big enough deal of the fact that [Amazon] has begun deleting books,” she said. “Amazon now claims the right to bar all books that are ‘inappropriate or offensive.’ Of course, nearly *every book* worth reading could be characterized as ‘inappropriate’ or ‘offensive’ to someone.”

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Trump Warns Border Crisis “Will Get Much Worse” As Biden Pleads With Migrants “Don’t Come Over”

Breitbart: Video clips of massive lines of migrants waiting to cross the southern border have gone viral, even as the MSM maintains its eery silence about the growing numbers of children winding up in border detention facilities – aka “cages”.

“A nation without God’s guidance is a nation without order. Happy are those who keep God’s law” Proverbs 29:18 ESV

As the border crisis unleashed by the Biden Administration worsens – even prompting the president to plead with migrants not to keep coming during an ABC News interview released last night – President Trump has returned for an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo where he laid into Biden for aggravating the border crisis by reinstating catch and release and rolling back other forms of enforcement.

During the prime-time interview, Trump told Bartiromo that he and Mexican President AMLO had fostered a “great relationship” (AMLO has been speaking out about the situation at the border, too, criticizing Biden for encouraging illegal immigration), and that AMLO and he had shared a joint interest in controlling illegal migration at the border. Read More

Dalio Warns Democrats Making US “Inhospitable To Capitalism”, Saylor Says Bitcoin Is “The Obvious Solution”

Zero Hedge: “Cash is, and will continue to be, trash,” is how Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio sums up the future for Americans (and for that point the rest of the fiat-sponsored world), but in his latest letter, he warns that amid the mad money priting and fiscally-enabled inflation, bonds may also be ‘trash’… and in fact any US-dollar-denominated asset.

“The economics of investing in bonds (and most financial assets) has become stupid,” he said in his latest post on LinkedIn.

“Rather than get paid less than inflation why not instead buy stuff – any stuff – that will equal inflation or better?”

The charts below that go back to 1900 show these things – real bond yields, nominal bond yields, and nominal/real cash rates for the US, Europe, and Japan.

As Dalio has explained over the previous few years the credit/debt cycle is only one of the three really big cyclesRead More

Iran’s new ‘missile city’: rows of ballistic rockets in underground depot, challenge to the West

Daily Mail: Revolutionary Guards commander Hossein Salami visited the new missile base

  • Footage broadcast by state TV showed rows of missiles stashed at the facility 
  • He bragged that it is only a ‘small section’ of Iran’s ‘great and expansive’ missiles 

 “Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets” Ezekiel 38:5 NIV 

Iran has showed off what it says is a new high-tech ‘missile city’ with an underground stash of rockets operated by its Revolutionary Guards.

The base was inspected by Guards commander Hossein Salami who boasted that it makes up only a ‘small section of the great and expansive missile capability’ possessed by Tehran.

Rows of missiles are stashed in an underground depot in Iran, seen in footage broadcast by state TV which boasted about the new so-called 'missile city'

Footage broadcast by state TV showed rows of missiles stashed in a depot at the underground base, while the head of the Guards’ naval unit said the site was equipped to detect enemy signals. Read More

The Fed must walk a fine line Wednesday as financial markets hang in the balance

CNBC: The Federal Reserve concludes its two-day policy meeting Wednesday, with expectations for no change in interest rates.

  • However, Bank of America said the meeting will be “one of the most critical events for the Fed in some time.”
  • Chairman Jerome Powell and his fellow policymakers will have to convince investors that the current policy is correct and won’t change in response to a brighter economic outlook and major progress in the Covid-19 fight.

resurgent economy, percolating inflation and a stock market ripping higher don’t seem to make much of a recipe for easy monetary policy.

But that’s the position in which the Federal Reserve finds itself.

The challenge for the central bank this week will be to explain that position to investors and assure them that even if the status quo remains, that won’t provoke policymakers to change course, nor should they.

“The basic line is, ‘Everything looks a little better, but there’s still a lot of uncertainty and we’re not going to do anything soon

Joe Biden’s DHS Chief Says He Is Opening New Doors for Migrants

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s border chief announced his plans Tuesday to expand economic migration into the United States, on top of the roughly one million people per year set by Congress.

“For years, the asylum system has been badly in need of reengineering,” said the March 16 statement by DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. He continued:

In addition to improving the process by which unaccompanied children are placed with family or sponsors, we will be issuing a new regulation shortly and taking other measures to implement the long-needed systemic reforms.  We will shorten from years to months the time it takes to adjudicate an asylum claim while ensuring procedural safeguards and enhancing access to counsel.

Alejandro Mayorkas could bring stability to DHS after years of interim leadership - CNNPolitics

Mayorkas is a lawyer and also a strong supporter of the unpopular claim the United States is a “Nation of Immigrants,” not of Americans. So he can argue his immigration expansion plans complies with the nation’s complex and loopholed immigration law, major parts of which have been written by agency regulators and pro-migration judges. Mayorkas wrote:

We are keeping our borders secure, enforcing our laws, and staying true to our values and principles …

I came to this country as an infant, brought by parents who understood the hope and promise of America.  Today, young children are arriving at our border with that same hope.  We can do this.

Read More

Rebel priests defy Vatican, vow to bless same-sex couples

Thompson Reuters: A dissident band of Roman Catholic priests leading a disobedience campaign against the Vatican said on Tuesday they would carry on blessing same-sex couples in defiance of Church orders.

 “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their [i]women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the [j]men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.” Romas 1:26-27

The Vatican said on Monday that priests cannot bless same-sex unions and that such blessings are not valid, in a ruling that disappointed gay Catholics who had hoped their Church was becoming more welcoming under Pope Francis.

In some countries, parishes and ministers have begun blessing same-sex unions in lieu of marriage, and there have been calls for bishops to institutionalise de facto such blessings. Conservatives in the 1.3 billion-member Roman Catholic Church have expressed alarm over such practices.

“We members of the Parish Priests Initiative are deeply appalled by the new Roman decree that seeks to prohibit the blessing of same-sex loving couples. This is a relapse into times that we had hoped to have overcome with Pope Francis,” the Austrian-based group said in a statement.

“We will — in solidarity with so many — not reject any loving couple in the future who ask to celebrate God’s blessing, which they experience every day, also in a worship service.”

Schueller High Resolution Stock Photography and Images - Alamy

The Parish Priests Initiative led by Father Helmut Schueller has long been a thorn in the side of the Vatican. The group wants Church rules changed so that priests can marry and women can become priests.

It has said it will break Church rules by giving communion to Protestants and divorced Catholics who remarry. Read More