Purim, Sunset Thursday, March 13 to Sunset, Friday March 14, 2025
Every year on the 14th of the Jewish month Adar, Purim is celebrated by Jews all over the world.
PURIM commemorates the courage of a young Jewish girl named Esther (Hadassah was her Jewish name) who married the King of Persia. She was an instrument in the hand of God to avert the destruction of the Jewish people.
God’s timing is always perfect. The story of Esther in the Bible reminds us to pray…

US talks with Hamas: Trump unfazed by Netanyahu’s opposition
| Author1 | Hamas, anti-Semitism, Benjamin Netanyahu, End of the age, Gaza, God, Israel, Jesus Christ, President Donald Trump
Israel Today: Diplomacy—unlike the approach of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy—requires delicacy. Especially when it involves relations with a power as crucial to Israel as the US. And even more so when that power is led by Donald Trump.
That is why Israel’s expression of opposition to the direct, extraordinary talks between the US and Hamas has been articulated in the most careful and su…

SUNDAY STUDY: Joint Heirs with Christ
| Editor | anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End of the age, God, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Israel, Jesus Christ, Rapture, Sunday Posts
By Mike Stallard @israelmyglory.org
Romans 8:16-17 “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…”
Premillennialism isn’t only about Israel. Here’s a look at this teaching as it affects the future of the Church.
I have often heard the dispensational, premillennial view of the Bible criticize…

Bible Prophecy And Trump’s Expanding Worldwide Influence
| Author1 | President Donald Trump, anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End Times, Jesus Christ, President Joe Biden, Rapture
Last summer I, like most people, thought the USA was dying a slow death. Every facet of our government was in an unbiblical and unapologetic state of decline.
I was hopeful Trump could get elected to slow down some of the Satanic influence and ungodly principles being shoved down our throats. I have to admit I prayed prayers that the Lord would give us a reprieve.
In my wildest imagination I ne…

Prophecy Today Radio February 15, 2025: Pre-Tribulation Eschatology
| Author1 | Bible prophecy, anti-Semitism, End Times, Gaza, God, Hamas, Israel, Jesus Christ, Palestinian
Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr., Rick DeYoung, and ‘Prophecy Partners’ on the Prophecy Today Radio Broadcast heard on over 400 stations around the world…
Ken Timmerman – David Dolan – Dr. Andy Woods – Paul Scharf
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Legacy Series – 2 Peter 3, The Lord’s plan for the last days
A Look at the Book, Jimmy and Rick
Listen to the Broadcast HERE

There Is No Moral Equivalent Between Israel And The Butchers Of Hamas
Harbingers Daily:
Throughout its history, the State of Israel has fought two defensive conflicts at once—a battle for survival against its Arab neighbors and a PR battle to expose the world to truth. The current nexus for these two conflicts is Israel’s war against Hamas.
While much of the world had sympathy for the Jewish state in the immediate wake of Hamas’ October 7 pogrom, it quickly changed…

Palestinian Authority Paid 506 Million Shekels to Terrorists Released in the Current Exchange
| Author1 | Palestinian, anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End Times, Hamas, Israel, Mahmoud Abbas, President Joe Biden, UN
Algemeiner: Israel is releasing 734 terrorists over 42 days in exchange for 33 Israeli hostages. All the terrorists, including 200 murderers, have been receiving reward payments as salaries from the Palestinian Authority (PA) since their arrests, totaling at least 506,385,600 shekels ($141,837,087).
Terrorists receive an additional payment for wives and children that is unknown, and not included…

SUNDAY STUDY: God of Jacob, God of Israel
Excerpted from Dave Hunt’s TheBereanCall.org
The true God who created us for a purpose holds mankind responsible for creation’s witness to His existence and for obedience to the moral laws He has implanted in every conscience (Rom 1:18-25; 2:14-16). He will not be used. Furthermore, just as human beings are jealous of their individual identities, obviously the true God would insist on being prope…

Israel-Hamas Hostage Deal: What You Need to Know
| Author1 | Israel, anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End Times, God, Hamas, President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden, Two State Solution
AJC: On Wednesday, 467 days since grandparents, mothers, children, and wives were torn from their families and held captive in Gaza, the Israeli government and Palestinian terror group Hamas announced a hostage release deal. The deal, brokered by international partners including the U.S., Egypt, and Qatar, follows over 15 months of conflict that began on October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists sto…

Who Really Denied Statehood to the Palestinian People?
| Author1 | Israel, anti-Semitism, Bible prophecy, End of the age, God, Jesus Christ, Land for peace, Palestinian, Two State Solution
Gatestone Institute:
Israel agreed to Palestinian statehood in 1937-1938, 1947-1948, 1967, 2000-2001, and 2007. In each case, it was the Palestinian leadership that refused to agree to the two-state solution….
The Jews accepted the [1937] Peel partition plan, while the Arabs categorically rejected it, demanding that all of Palestine be placed under Arab control and that most of the Jewish popu…

SUNDAY STUDY: Atonement and Redemption, Same or Different?
By Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum of Ariel.org
Atonement is universal whereas, redemption is individual. Atonement therefore is the foundation of redemption, and not redemption itself. The work of atonement is already finished. Christ is the living bread, the bread of atonement, which, if a man eats, he shall live forever. But he who eats not of this bread shall die, being destitute of wisdom, righteous…

Majority of New York City Hate Crimes Targeted Jews in 2024
Algemeiner: Jews were targeted in the majority of hate crimes perpetrated in New York City last year, according to new data issued by the New York City Police Department (NYPD).
On Monday, the NYPD released its end-of-year crime report, which recorded a precipitous drop in crime overall but also the disturbing numbers on antisemitic hate crimes. Out of the 641 total hate crimes tallied by the NYP…