6G Is Not Just A Tech Upgrade, It’s A Preview Of The Global System Described In Prophecy
1G, 3G, 6g, AI, analog, blessed hope, cashless, digital, global surveillance, IPhone
1G, 3G, 6g, AI, analog, blessed hope, cashless, digital, global surveillance, IPhone
Africa, AI, BRICS, BRICS pay, CBDC's, digital dollar, digital naira, Nigeria, SWIFT, US Treasury auction
AI, ChatGPT, Gal. 6:7, Greek mythology, The Turing Test, Trojan Horse, Zech. 14:12
AI, Catholicism, IDF, mark, Pontifex Maximus, Roman Empire, Satanic power
AI, BRICS, debt, Moses, new world order, Solomon, US dollar, Vladimir Putin
AI, blasphemy, Catholic, Last Supper, Luke 17, Matthew 13, Olympics
AI, bots, deception, False Prophet, Revelation, Turing test, Vitalik Buterin
AI, climate change, digital currencies, Ezekiel 38-39, Middle East
AI, Bank monitoring system, BIS, Canada's Freedom Convoy, IMF, Revelation
AI, chat bots, Compass Int'l, Daniel, False Prophet, image of the beast, Satan, Yuval Noah Harari