SUNDAY STUDY: And Such Were Some Of You
faith, grace, Jack Kelley, Law, love, righteousness, salvation, sin
faith, grace, Jack Kelley, Law, love, righteousness, salvation, sin
free will, Grace thru Faith, Jack Kelley, predestination, salvation
We hope you are able to spend time today with a few family members and others you love. Three of our sons are unable to visit from out of town. Our fourth son will be coming for dinner with his wife and 2 year old daughter.
It is surreal to hear about mandatory limits certain states have imposed on the number of people who are allowed to gather together. Did we ever imagine this would happen in our country?
Even though most of the world will remember 2020 as a bad dream with a deadly virus, locking down in our homes, an uncertain Presidential election, we are reminded through Daniel 2:21 Who is in charge …
“He changes times and seasons;
He deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.”
… and that even when times of persecution come, we can take heart…
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Author and I have much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. We are grateful for each other, we are grateful to you for coming here every day, we are grateful for a precious new grandson added to our family in October, for a million smiles watching our little granddaughter grow, for our 2 older granddaughters who are a delight to us, and we look forward to another beloved granddaughter coming in February.
May JESUS be everything to you this Thanksgiving!
Click HERE to read today’s message from Jack Kelley.
Bema Seat judgment, heavenly crowns, Jack Kelley, Judgment Seat of Christ
dispensation, grace through faith, Jack Kelley, Law, Moses, New Testament. Old Testament
Day of the Lord, dispensational, Jack Kelley, PRE-TRIBULATION, Rapture, salvation, wrath