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Transhuman 101: Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine To Be An ‘Operating System’

Technology News: The Transhuman ideology is so terrifying that most people just cannot grasp its enormity. Transhumans fully intend to hijack the evolutionary process of genetic structuring in order to create Humanity 2.0. This means treating human DNA like computer code. ⁃ TN Editor

“He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created.” Genesis 5:2

Documents obtained from Moderna reveal that the so-called vaccine being peddled by the company is actually an ‘operating system’. This startling admission confirms what vaccine skeptics have claimed – that COVID is about control, not a virus.

It won’t be lost on anyone who has done due diligence over this pandemic to see past the glib claims of paid-off politicians and compliant media that all is not as it seems.

To start, it is no coincidence that one of the key promoters of these new mRNA ‘vaccines’ is none other than Microsoft billionaire, Bill Gates. Bill gave a Ted Talk where he boasted vaccines can help cut global population by 15 percent.

Yes he said cut population. How does that work – by deactivating these vaccine-implanted operating systems in us?

Well, psychopathic Bill couldn’t fix his Microsoft operating system to prevent endless computer viruses, so why should we trust him now that he is spearheading what is seen as a major step towards transhumanism. For those who care about what goes into their bodies, and those of their loved ones, see if you can detect something very sinister from what is being foisted upon a gullible public. Read More

Report: Biden quietly transferred $75 million to Palestinian Authority

Arutz Sheva: The Biden administration is quietly ramping up assistance to the Palestinian Authority, The Associated Press reported on Wednesday. after former President Donald Trump cut off nearly all aid.

“Because the Lord has sworn: the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.” Exodus 17:16

According to the report, last week, a day after the administration announced that it was giving $15 million to vulnerable Palestinian Arab communities to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic, it notified Congress without a public announcement that it will give the PA $75 million for economic support, to be used in part to regain their “trust and goodwill” after the Trump-era cuts.

The State Department declined to comment on the notification, and it wasn’t clear if the $75 million includes the $15 million in pandemic aid. Read More

Jimmy DeYoung and David Dolan: Israeli Leaders say this is not the time for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Transcript: Jimmy and Dave discuss how the Israeli/Palestinian conflict relates to the 4000 year old conflict between Esau and Jacob that will not be resolved until the return of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem …

There is a key region, of our world, which all Prophecy students pay close attention to, almost on a daily basis, that’s the Middle East region. That’s why Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave Dolan to the Broadcast Table, weekly here on PTIB, for Dave’s Middle East News Up-date. Dave has been a journalist in the Middle East for over 35 years and can give us very important information on the events happening in the ME.

Transcript …

JD: The Middle East Quartet they are now discussing and reviving the Israeli-Palestinian talks. David tell everybody what are the chances for them being able to bring the Israelis and Palestinians to the negotiating table.

DD: Well called the quartet because four powers that basically were very involved in the peace process over many many years and they had some success of having the parties together. But again Jimmy this just strikes most Israelis as ridiculous all of this talk right now because there’s absolutely been no change on the Palestinian street. Hamas, the radical movement still controlling the Gaza strip and the PLO controlling Judea and Samaria for the most part but they are internally divided. Israel doesn’t have a firm government so neither side is ready to sit down and negotiate peace. It just seems like a non starter to most Israelis and again they’re preoccupied with Iran and the possibility of war with that power much more than they are worried about the Palestinians at present.

JD: You have told me before you don’t think peace will be on the agenda for either the Israelis, the Palestinians or anyone else. Do you feel that same way as of today?

DD: Well again Jimmy there’s just no ground reason by what the situation is actually in the Palestinian territories and in Israel to think this is the time to sit down and negotiate a peace accord. When Prime Minister Netanyahu was stronger they still weren’t able to succeed in that and that’s basically because the Palestinians want to see Israel destroyed or at least a lot of them do. They see the possibility of that happening happening with Iran and its allies gearing up for war. So we’re waiting for war not really for peace at this time. It’s sad to say that but that is the truth.

JD: David Dolan explaining why the Israelis are saying this is not the time for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

David’s report gives us a glimpse of reality in the Middle East today especially as it relates to the Palestinian conflict. This 4,000 year old conflict between Esau and Jacob has festered down through these millennia and it will not be resolved until the return of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem. Obadiah verses 15-18 explain how the Lord will allow the Israeli Defense Force to resolve the conflict. The Palestinians will be destroyed as if they had never been.

David Dolan, Jacob and Esau, Jimmy DeYoung

How Bill Gates Premeditated COVID Vaccine Injury Censorship

Mercola: Gates supported and helped organize Event 201, a meeting of global “experts” who developed strategies to control a potential pandemic, the population and the narrative surrounding the global event

Woe to those who devise wickedness and work evil on their beds! When the morning dawns, they perform it, because it is in the power of their hand.” Micah 2:1 ESV

  • Communication strategists were employed to help identify and plan for tactics that would control public behavior, improve surveillance and increase the number who would take a vaccination
  • Social media censorship played prominently in the Event 201 plan, and in the events of 2020, ensuring that accurate information about vaccine development, production and injury was not well disseminated
  • The NIH produced vaccination communication recommendations that were close to those studied by Yale University, touching on feelings about health, helping others and fear
  • It is vital to be vigilant and seek the truth so that you can understand how to distinguish between fact and a fictional narrative that promises you liberation but eventually enslaves you


In 2000, everything about Bill Gates’ public persona changed. He morphed from a hardnosed and ruthless technology monopolizer into a soft, fuzzy and incredibly generous philanthropist when he and his wife launched the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Read More

New Iron Dome upgrade latest step in Mideast arms race

JNS: The announcement by the Israeli Defense Ministry earlier this month of successful trials of an upgraded version of the Iron Dome air-defense system represents the latest step in a lengthy arms race.

‘Then David took his shepherd’s staff, selected five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in the pocket of his shepherd’s pack, and with his sling in his hand approached Goliath.” 1 Samuel 17:40

The current upgrade program has seen live-fire trials every few months, designed to test out how the improvements work in practice. This is the third installment of the current initiative to boost Iron Dome’s performance.

The work is being led by Rafael, Iron Dome’s prime contractor, and the Israel Missile Defense Organization, the agency within the Defense Ministry that is responsible for evolving Israel’s multi-layer air-defense system in response to changing enemy capabilities.

For security reasons, few specifics were given about the upgrades themselves with the Defense Ministry merely confirming that the tests “demonstrated a significant upgrade of the system’s technological capabilities,” and that “Iron Dome was tested in a range of complex scenarios and successfully intercepted and destroyed targets simulating existing and emerging threats, including the simultaneous interception of multiple UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles], as well as a salvo of rockets and missiles.” Read More

Biden’s Stimulus Will Cut Poverty By 40%… For One Year

Zero Hedge: The NY Times also jumped on Biden’s stimulus package to tout how “transformative” Biden will be to the U.S. economy.

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7

“The list of new policies goes on. There is money in the American Rescue Plan to expand food stamps, bolster state welfare programs, and increase federal support for child and dependent care. Put all this together and the bill is expected to reduce overall poverty by more than a third and child poverty by more than half. It is, with no exaggeration, the single most important piece of anti-poverty legislation since Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society, itself the signature program of a man who sought to emulate F.D.R.”

Here’s the problem. Unlike the New Deal, which benefitted the economy for decades, the American Rescue Plan will only help the poor for one year. As is always the case with such socialistic policies, they sound great in theory, but they rarely work as expected in reality. Read More

Cardinal Burke: Blowback to ban on same-sex blessings reveals ‘aggressive, homosexual agenda’ within Church

LifeSite News: Cardinal Raymond Burke said that defiance to the Vatican’s “no” to blessings for homosexual couples by various priests and bishops from different parts of the world — and even suggestions that the Pope did not approve of it — make it necessary for the Holy See to state clearly that Pope Francis approved the declaration and he stands by it.

 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22

“The blowback is simply an expression of a worldliness, a mundanity, which has entered into the Church by which the aggressive homosexual agenda is now dominating even in certain ecclesial circles and even among certain bishops,” the Cardinal, who is the former head of the Vatican’s highest court and one of the world’s foremost canon lawyers, told EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo last week.

Earlier this month, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a decree stating that the Catholic Church does not have the “power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex.” Pope Francis “was informed and gave his assent to the publication” of the decree, according to the CDF document.

The Congregation stated that it is “not licit to impart a blessing on relationships, or partnerships, even stable, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage (i.e., outside the indissoluble union of a man and a woman open in itself to the transmission of life), as is the case of the unions between persons of the same sex.”

God “does not and cannot bless sin,” the decree stated.

Vatican observers speculated that Pope Francis was distancing himself from the CDF decree. Read More


The Invisible War

Jewish Press: Area C had very few Arab residents, and contains virtually all of the Jewish communities outside the 1949 armistice lines. Although President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” encouraged Israel to extend Israeli law to much of this area, it did not happen – to a great extent because of the chaos brought about by successive elections, and PM Netanyahu’s preoccupation with his legal problems.

“I will also gather all nations,
And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;
And I will enter into judgment with them there
On account of My people, My heritage Israel,
Whom they have scattered among the nations: Joel 3:2

Palestinians and their supporters typically falsely accuse Israel of precisely the evil intentions that they themselves hold toward us, and this is no exception. One hears no end of talk of “creeping annexation,” in which Jewish settlements are said to be inexorably capturing “Palestinian land,” while Israel torpedoes attempts to reach a negotiated settlement to end “the occupation.”

But the reality is precisely the opposite: the Palestinian Arabs are increasingly appropriating land and building illegal settlements in Area C. Read More

Tax increases to be paying for Biden’s $2.25 trillion infrastructure plan – White House

  • 620 billion to be dedicated to transportation
  • $650 billion to be used for initiatives to improve quality of life at home
  • $580 billion to strengthen US manufacturing, research and development
  • $400 billion to address improved care for the elderly, people with disabilities
  • Tax increases to “fully pay for the investments in this plan over the next 15 years”
  • Proposes US corporate tax rate to go up to 28% from 21%

As a reminder, Republicans slashed the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% back in 2017 so even the “hike” here isn’t as heavy; it is likely to be watered down surely. Read More

For First Time Ever: Majority of Americans Don’t Belong to a Church or other House of Worship

The Blaze: Churchgoing citizens are now a minority demographic in the United States.

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [a]sin is revealed, the son of perdition.” 2 Thess. 2:7

The percentage of Americans who belong to a house of worship such as a church, synagogue, or mosque dipped below 50% for the first time ever, according to a survey released by Gallup.

The new survey, published on Monday, found that only 47% of Americans reported membership in a place of worship in 2020, continuing a sharp downward trend that began at the turn of the 21st century. Read More