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The Change in Tone of the US State Department on Israel

Arutz Sheva: US State Department spokesman Ned Price spoke to reporters on Monday, with his answers to reporters’ questions clarifying the change between the positions of the Trump administration and those of President Joe Biden.

“I will also gather all nations,
And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;
And I will enter into judgment with them there
On account of My people, My heritage Israel,
Whom they have scattered among the nations;
They have also divided up My land.” Joel 3:2

Price noted that “the United States opposes any action taken by Israel which may make it difficult to reach a two-state solution.”

U.S. concerned China's new coast guard law could escalate maritime disputes | The Japan Times

On the Iranian issue over which Israel has been very concerned lately, Price said, “We believe Diplomacy is the most effective means to prevent Iran from ever obtaining nuclear weapons.” Read More

Global Warming Mascot — the Polar Bear — Is Doing Just Fine, According to New Report

The New American: Just in time for International Polar Bear Day — yes, that’s a thing — came some good news for the hypercarnivorous Arctic-dwelling species. Canadian zoologist Susan Crockford has published a new State of the Polar Bear Report for 2020, in which she concludes that the bears’ allegedly dire situation is improving despite climate-alarmist concerns that the animal is almost assured of going extinct due to the scourge of anthropogenic global warming.

While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

For years now, climate alarmists have been using images of polar bears supposedly “stranded” on ice floes as evidence that global warming — now stylized as climate change, or climate emergency —- is destroying the habitat of the apex predators, thus putting the species at risk of extinction. Polar bears are sometimes referred to as the “canary in the coal mine” when it comes to climate change. In other words, stressed populations of polar bears equals a stressed climate.

But according to Crockford’s report, polar bears, at least currently, are not so stressed. Global populations for polar bears appear to be on the rise. Read More

Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill forces taxpayers to bail out abortion industry

LifeSite News: Over the weekend, the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed a COVID-19 relief bill which aims to use taxpayer money to fund abortions and the abortion industry under the guise of coronavirus relief.

“There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 14:12

Known as H.R. 1319, the $1.9 trillion, 592 page “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021,” passed by a narrow 219 to 212 margin, largely along party lines. Two Democrats, Reps. Jared Golden (D-ME) and Kurt Schrader (D-OR), joined Republicans in opposing the measure.

“Now, the bill moves to the United States Senate, where I hope it will receive quick action. We have no time to waste,” said Joe Biden, the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history. The Washington Post called the measure “the White House’s first major piece of legislation.”

“Emboldened by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, radical House Democrats are once again capitalizing on the COVID-19 crisis to expand abortion on demand, refusing to add Hyde Amendment protections to the relief bill,” warned Washington-based pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA) President Marjorie Dannenfelser in a statement issued on Saturday.

The massive funding bill, unlike previous COVID-19 relief legislation, excluded Hyde Amendment protections, meaning that there are no safeguards against over $400 billion from being used to cover elective abortions.

“In addition, their bill creates a $50 million slush fund for Planned Parenthood – Read More

10-year Treasury yield continues to retreat from last week’s high

CNBC: Investors on Tuesday will be keeping a close watch on comments made by both Securities and Exchange Commission Chair nominee Gary Gensler and Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard.

  • Gensler will testify before the Senate Banking Committee at 10 a.m. ET.
  • Brainard will then deliver a speech entitled “U.S. Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy” via a virtual meeting hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations, at 1 p.m. ET
  • U.S. Treasury yields fell on Tuesday morning, with investors expected to be watching for comments on the economy in key speeches later in the day.



Iran is fighting two parallel shadow wars, partly to seek retaliation

JNS: The apparent Iranian attack on an Israeli-owned civilian cargo ship is a wider threat against shipping and comes as part of retaliation for the assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist. Meanwhile, Iranian proxy warfare against the United States has returned to the region.

“Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets” Ezekiel 38:5 NIV

Recent events have demonstrated that Iran is engaging in two, parallel “shadow wars”: one against Israel and the second is against the United States. The explosive attack against an Israeli-owned cargo ship in the Gulf of Oman on Feb. 26—likely caused either by missiles fired from an Iranian ship or by limpet magnet mines stuck onto the ship by Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ elite divers—appears to be a demonstration of capabilities by Tehran and a wider threat against Israeli shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf region.

Netanyahu blames Iran for attack on Israeli-owned ship | Financial Times

The attack did not cause any casualties, and the ship is undergoing repairs, leading some observers to assess that it was designed to avoid causing serious damage to prevent a wider regional escalation. Even so, the attack appears to be a direct attack by Iranian military forces on a civilian ship, and the incident cannot be divorced from Iran’s threats to avenge the assassination of its chief nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, on Nov. 27.

Israeli government officials have reportedly vowed to respond to the incident. Read More

‘Abortion monopoly’: Planned Parenthood is the second-largest provider of trans hormones in US

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

LifeSite news: Last week, the Family Research Council (FRC) released its annual report “The Real Planned Parenthood: Leading the Culture of Death.” It is a sobering look at America’s largest abortion business, which not only perpetrated over half of all reported abortions in the United States from 2018 to 2019, but also expanded into the exploding market for transgender hormone therapy. In the 2019 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood killed 354,871 babies.

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According to the FRC, Planned Parenthood received 38% of its funding – $618.1 million – from the U.S. government, the bulk of it through Medicaid. “Planned Parenthood’s total revenue for 2019-2020 was $1.6 billion, the highest in its history,” the FRC reported. “Planned Parenthood reported $888.3 million in unrestricted net assets, which it can draw on if it loses government funding.”

According to the author of the report, Director of the FRC’s Center for Human Dignity’s Mary Szoch: “Based on Planned Parenthood’s yearly increase in the number of abortions they commit and the decrease in the number of abortions committed nationally, Planned Parenthood is becoming more and more of an abortion monopoly.” Read More

Report: Obama offered Syria Israeli withdrawal from Golan Heights

JNS: Just a few months before the Syrian civil war erupted in March 2011, the Obama administration offered the Assad regime an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights in return for severing ties with Iran and Hezbollah, the London-based Arabic newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Sunday.

President Barack Obama talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a phone call from the Oval Office, Monday, June 8, 2009. Credit: White House/Pete Souza.

According to the report, which was relayed to the newspaper by senior American and Syrian officials who were involved in the negotiations at the time, the talks reached an advanced stage and the sides had even prepared a document for signing.

The talks involved then-American envoy Frederic Hof, the paper said, along with former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

As stated, the proposals in the draft agreement included Damascus abandoning “military relations” with Tehran and Hezbollah in exchange for the Israeli withdrawal from the Golan towards the June 4 border. Read More

Christians, Muslims and Jews to share faith centre in Berlin

“The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. Revelation” 13:15

The Guardian: On the site of a church torn down by East Germany’s communist rulers, a new place of worship is set to rise that will bring Christians, Jews and Muslims under one roof – and it has already been dubbed a “churmosquagogue”.

The foundation stone of the House of One in Berlin will be laid at a ceremony on 27 May, marking the end of 10 years of planning and the beginning of an estimated four years of construction, and symbolising a new venture in interfaith cooperation and dialogue. The €47m building, designed by Berlin architects Kuehn Malvezzi, will incorporate a church, a mosque and a synagogue linked to a central meeting space. People of other faiths and denominations, and those of no faith, will be invited to events and discussions in the large hall.

“The idea is pretty simple,” said Roland Stolte, a Christian theologian who helped start the project. “We wanted to build a house of prayer and learning, where these three religions could co-exist while each retaining their own identity.” Read More

Netanyahu: Attack on Israeli-owned cargo ship ‘indeed Iranian action’

JNS: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Reshet Bet radio Monday morning that the explosion in the Israeli-owned ship MV Helios Ray near Oman “was indeed perpetrated by Iran, it’s clear.” The Prime Minister added that Iran “is Israel’s greatest enemy and we are beating it throughout the region. The Iranians will not have nuclear weapons – with or without an agreement. I also said this to my friend Biden.”

MV Helios Ray has begun repairs in the port of Dubai after being hit by explosions while sailing in the Gulf of Oman last Thursday (Repairs Begin on MV Helios Ray in Dubai Port, as Israeli Investigators Continue Security Probe).

Israeli defense officials were quoted as saying they believe Iranian IRGC Naval forces fired two missiles, targeting a part of the ship. But Alon Ben David, a senior defense correspondent for Israel’s Channel 13 reported Sunday night that an examination of the ship revealed it had been hit by naval mines. It is still unclear in which port the magnetic mines were affixed to the side of the hull of the MV Helios Ray, a vehicle carrier that flew the flag of Bahamas but was owned by Israeli businessman Avraham (Rami) Unger.

Israel is convinced the IRGC Navy is behind the attack. Read More

Sisyphean (Money) Printing Will Kill The Dollar & Bonds

Zero HedgeCentral banks are now caught in Sisyphean task of printing money to eternity.

The more they print, the more they need to print. When Sisyphus came to Hades, his punishment was to roll a big rock up a hill. Once he got to the top, it rolled down and he had to roll it up again and again and again.

And this is also the punishment that the Fed has received. As I pointed out in my article about the Swiss 16th century doctor Paracelsus, everything is poison, it is only a question of the dose. The US has for decades received a toxic overdose of “free” money and once hooked the only remedy is to continue to inject the poisoned patient (the US economy) with more of the same.

On the one hand, the Fed can never voluntarily stop the printing as this would lead to instant collapse of stock markets, bond markets and the financial system.

But on the other hand, the incessant printing also has consequences.

It will destroy the dollar and it will destroy the treasury market and eventually lead to inflation and hyperinflation. Read More