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Biden: It’s Okay to Finance China’s Military

Gatestone Institute:

  • Wall Street wants to finance the enemy, and the Biden administration is opening the door wide…. Beijing views the U.S. financial community as its channel to influence the highest levels of the American political system.
  • “It would be a tragic mistake for the new administration to postpone, dilute, or otherwise eviscerate implementation of the key provisions of Executive Order 13959. Doing so would only serve to enrich Wall Street and Beijing at the expense of American security, fundamental values, and investor protection.” — Roger Robinson, chairman of the Prague Securities Studies Institute, interview with Gatestone.
  • The People’s Republic of China is a unified state, so the investment ban should apply not only to companies the Trump administration designated but also to all state-owned enterprises. State enterprises are by no means separate businesses. The divisions among them are artificial, and all are tightly controlled by the Communist Party. Each one of these entities, therefore, is military-linked and Party-controlled.
  • China’s Military-Civil Fusion means the People’s Liberation Army “has the right to raid any non-military Chinese company for any technology it decides could advance its military strength.” — Richard Fisher, of the International Assessment and Strategy Center, interview with Gatestone
  • The Biden administration is allowing Wall Street to use the cash of “scores of millions, up to 160 million Americans” to “fund ICBMs targeting their families, to fund concentration camps in Xinjiang.” Most Americans will have no idea their retirement and other savings are being used to finance their own destruction…. financing China’s war on America. Read More

Max Keiser: What if bitcoin is not the bubble, but the pin?

RT: Keiser Report looks at the Washington Post editorial on whether Fed chairman Jerome Powell and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will do something about bitcoin revealing the flaw of money printing.

“What did Christine Lagarde mean when she said that bitcoin is offering an escape valve?” asks Max Keiser. “So, what if Elon Musk is escaping these negative interest rates, the zero percent interest rates by buying bitcoin.”

He explains that “capital will always go to where it gets the best return, that’s a law of nature.”

According to Max, “What we had in the last 25 years or so, was collusion on the global central bank level, who kept interest rates low and offered no competing rates anywhere else in the world.” But bitcoin came around and offered that escape valve. “What if bitcoin is not the bubble, but the pin?” Read More

Report: Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain Seek Military Alliance

Jewish Press: The Netanyahu government is in talks with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, to establish a four-nation defense alliance, according to i24NEWS (Exclusive: Israel in talks to establish 4-nation defense alliance with Saudi, UAE, and Bahrain).

The report does not cite any source but suggested that the defense alliance talks are a response to the growing Iranian threat as the Biden administration appears to encourage the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal and dropping the sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Iran’s expanding its terrorist network to Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia is also a major motivation for the four potential allies to join forces.

No official response has been issued by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office, but a political source in Jerusalem told Israel Hayom on Thursday: “We do not confirm the news. Israel is constantly working to strengthen its ties with the Arab world.” Read More

House Democrats: Free Border Crossers into U.S. to Stop Coronavirus Spread in Foreign Countries

Breitbart: House Democrats are urging President Joe Biden to end migration controls at the United States-Mexico border to help slow the Chinese coronavirus in foreign countries.

In March 2020, former President Trump imposed a CDC order known as Title 42 that allows federal immigration officials to quickly return border crossers to their native countries to prevent adding to the current public health emergency in the U.S.

Nearly 460,000 border crossers have been expelled and deported from the U.S. since March 2020 thanks to Title 42. In the last four months, alone, between 62,000 to 65,000 border crossers have been expelled and deported monthly under Title 42.

A group of 61 House Democrats, though, are asking Biden to end Title 42 — arguing that the U.S. is contributing to the global spread of the coronavirus by deporting border crossers to their native countries. Instead, the House Democrats say, the border crossers should be “safely” processed and released into the U.S. interior. Read More

Biden Invites Tidal Wave of Illegals into the U.S.

Front Page Mag: Joe Biden, the open borders president, is proposing amnesty legislation to provide the 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country a pathway to citizenship. During his CNN-hosted town hall meeting on February 17, Biden confirmed that such a pathway for citizenship must be included in any immigration bill that he would consider signing. The term “alien” would no longer be used in U.S. immigration law. Until the illegal aliens successfully complete the path to U.S. citizenship under Biden’s “reform” legislation, they are to be referred to as “noncitizen,” which is defined as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.”

Tips For Protecting Your Rights Regardless Of Immigration Status | WUWM

In the meantime, through executive action, Biden is handcuffing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in arresting and detaining illegal immigrants in the United States for eventual deportation. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton at least managed to slow things down a bit. He issued a nationwide preliminary injunction on February 23rd against moving ahead with implementation of Biden’s 100 day pause on most deportations.

But Biden’s political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are undoubtedly searching for any loophole they can find. Read More

House set to approve Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package, send bill to the Senate

CNBC: The House aims to pass its $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package on Friday and send it to the Senate.

  • Democrats hope to get the bill, which includes direct payments, jobless benefits and Covid-19 vaccination funds, to President Joe Biden’s desk before unemployment aid expires March 14.
  • Proponents of the bill say still-fragile households and businesses need more support in the coming months, while critics question whether the amount of spending is necessary. Read More


O mortal, turn your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Prophesy against him Ezekiel 38:2 (The Israel BibleTM)

Israel 365: A clandestine Israeli nuclear compound at the center of the country’s undeclared nuclear weapons program is undergoing what appears to be its largest construction project in decades, satellite images analyzed by the AP demonstrate.


A dig roughly the size of a soccer field and probably a few stories underground now sits a mere yards from the waning reactor at the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center just outside the

southern city of Dimona. The compound is the headquarters of decades-old secret laboratories that reprocess the reactor’s spent rods to obtain weapons-grade plutonium for the Jewish State’s atomic weapons program.

The construction’s purpose, however, is unclear. Israel maintains a longstanding policy of nuclear ambiguity, This means that Jerusalem neither confirms nor denies having nuclear weapons capabilities. Read More

House Dems Want Biden’s Finger Off the Nuclear Button

PJ Media: Nearly three dozen House Democrats on Monday called on Biden to relinquish his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons, in the latest appeal to reform the command-and-control structure so that no single person can initiate a nuclear war.

“…Vesting one person with this authority entails real risks,” states the letter spearheaded by Rep. Jimmy Panetta of California. “Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment.“

“While any president would presumably consult with advisors before ordering a nuclear attack, there is no requirement to do so,” the letter adds. “The military is obligated to carry out the order if they assess it is legal under the laws of war. Under the current posture of U.S. nuclear forces, that attack would happen in minutes.” Read More