SUNDAY STUDY: Abortion: Is It a Woman’s Choice?
By Ken Ham, from Answers with Ken Ham radio program.
Those who argue for abortion tell us it’s a woman’s choice whether to have a baby. They argue that it is her body and her choice. After all, it is her body . . . right?
We know that an appendix or kidney is part of your body and has no separate consciousness. When someone has an emergency appendectomy or a kidney transplant, there are no mor…

Ken Timmerman: Israel’s War of Survival and the End of the Two-State Solution
Israel’s War of Survival and the End of the Two-State Solution
JANUARY 23, 2024
The historic Abraham Accords agreement normalizing Israel’s relations with five Arab states fundamentally changed the security equation for Middle East Peace. Israel is no longer isolated and, as a result, has greater latitude in prosecuting the w…

The Road To Another Holocaust Is Being Paved With Wokeness And Apathy
Authored by Oliver Melnick
At the end of World War II, the world was in shock as it had discovered the horrors of the Holocaust that had come from one of the most educated countries on the planet. Depending on how one looks at it, the Holocaust took place ONLY eighty years ago or ALREADY eighty years ago. Within the scope of human history, it wasn’t a long time, but when we look at man’s lifesp…

How Social Transition Damages Children
Is it good to treat children as if they are members of the opposite sex?
Some people think there’s no harm in switching pronouns, dressing in different clothes and going by a new name. What’s the harm in that?
Plenty, it turns out. Affirming children in a false gender identity causes real damage. Here’s how.
What happens if you don’t affirm a trans identity?
First, let’s consider what happens i…

WHO makes bombshell announcement launching ‘digital health certification network
| Author1 | Antichrist, Bible prophecy, End Times, European Union, GEO POLITICS, God, Health Care, Rapture
Leo Hohmann: I’m going to share briefly about the big news this week coming out of the World Health Organization.
This is something I’ve been warning was coming for nearly three years and so it’s almost anti-climactic for readers of this site, where we weren’t afraid to shout it from the housetops early and often about the resemblance of the WHO’s “digital health certificate” to the biblical ma…

SUNDAY STUDY: An Issue about Life and Death
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
Margaret Sanger, the leader of the birth control movement and founder of Planned Parenthood, was a hardcore eugenicist. Eugenics, which literally means “good genes (birth)” refers to the “purification” of the human race by the eliminat…

Compass International E-News: SADS Is Sad
This is a most amazing time to be alive. Before the foundations of the world were laid, God chose us to be alive at the end of the Church Age. What a privilege!
And God has given some, but not all, the insight to understand the truth about all that’s going on around us.
We’re seeing the beginnings of the Anti-Christ’s world system coming in…

Chinese Tech Company Pedals Coming “Carbon Footprint Tracker”
| Author1 | Antichrist, Bible prophecy, China, End of the age, GEO POLITICS, GLOBAL ECONOMY, Health Care, One World Government, President Joe Biden, Rapture, US Economy
(Michael Evans Alibaba Group)
New American: At the meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday, the president of a Chinese technology company touted new technology that will track an individual’s carbon footprint, which, it is hoped, will lead consumers to “do the right thing,” as it pertains to climate change.
On a panel discussing “responsible consumption” at D…

Covid Microchip Developer: There’s No Stopping the Roll-Out, Whether We Like It or Not!
Express UK: Created by the tech start-up Dsruptive Subdermals, the controversial invention is made of a pre-programmed scannable implant two millimetres by 16 millimetres in size.
The invention received a lot of attention when first announced with some describing it as “invasive”.
One Twitter user argued: “Look, I’m as pro-vaccine as anyone around…AND I’m pro-vaccine passport (on a voluntary b…

Illinois Ends Parental Notification of Abortion for Minors
PJ Media: In Illinois, a female minor must get a parent’s permission to have a tooth pulled. She must get her parent’s OK to get plastic surgery. She will need her parent’s permission to get a tonsillectomy, should that become necessary.
But, starting June 1, 2022, a minor female in Illinois will no longer need her parent’s permission to get an abortion.
Abortion advocates are cheering this new…

Global Digital ID: Rush To Inject Children Hides Technocrat Objective
Assessment: There is zero medical justification for injecting children with mRNA or DNA shots. The real reason appears to build a registry of digital ids on the entire generation of children, in order to track further injections as well as all other facets of their lives as they grow up. This plan has been underway well before COVID hit in early 2020.
The feigned concern for welfare of childre…

New Virus Poses ‘Existential Threat to Life As We Know It On This Planet’
WND: The Biden administration’s apparent unwillingness to conduct a serious official investigation of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 that holds China accountable for its actions and lack of cooperation could result in a pandemic much more lethal that the current one, warns a leading researcher.
Dr. Steven Quay, whose research became part of a State Department probe of the origin of COVID-19 under Pre…