The Road to a Single Fiat World Currency
1 world currency, Armageddon, Daniel, euro, fiat world currency, mark of the beast, Mises Institute, Revelation, western alliance
1 world currency, Armageddon, Daniel, euro, fiat world currency, mark of the beast, Mises Institute, Revelation, western alliance
Babylon, Black Horse, hyperinflation, mark of the beast, money printing, Revelation
blockchain, budding of fig tree, cashless society, CBDC's, cryptocurrencies, mark of the beast, this generation
CBDC's, graphene sensor, mark of the beast, Revelation 13:16-17
CBDC's, Ezekiel 9;17, mark of the beast, Revelation 13:16-17
digital passports, Gates Foundation, Koch Institute, mark of the beast, pandemic, SMART health cards, VCI vaccination credential initiative