Tag: Ronald Reagan
"Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States..."
Why They Hate Reagan—the Movie and the Man
Everyone, it seems, is thrilled with the movie—save for one group. The critics hate it. They despise it...
UNESCO classifies ancient Jericho as ‘Palestinian heritage site’
Joe Biden rejoined UNESCO July 2023...
Prophecy Today Radio August 26, 2023: Major Trends of Bible Prophecy Part 1
Examining current events in the light of God's prophetic word...
Donald Trump, George Washington, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan
Memorial Day 2020
Ronald Reagan's Memorial Day Tribute 1985
Reagan’s economist: ‘Stimulus’ will make things worse
Stimulus by the Federal reserve is economic enslavement for future generations ...
1Trillion stimulus, Art Laffer, church, Coronavirus, globalist, Hurricane Andrew, Rapture, Ronald Reagan, US Debt