Gov. Cuomo on Battling COVID-19: ‘We Brought the Number Down, God Did Not Do That’ Written on April 15, 2020. Posted in abortion, Bible prophecy, Election 2020, End Times, God, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Prayer. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said "the number is down because we brought the number down ..." Andrew Cuomo, Bible, Catholics, New York, salvation, Scripture Continue reading
SUNDAY STUDY: What’s Wrong with the Word ‘Story’ ? Written on September 1, 2019. Posted in Gospel, Sunday Posts. It is an authority issue, an indirect salvation issue, whether we take God at His word or not... answers in Genesis, Bible, Ken Ham, Scripture, truth Continue reading
SUNDAY STUDY: The Remedy of the Christian Life Written on August 4, 2019. Posted in God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Sunday Posts. I prayed, 'Oh, God, help me to always preach so that it can be said, I never knew Jesus was so wonderful.' Bible, J. Vernon McGee, Scripture Continue reading
Episcopal Church Maine: “She Has Spoken Through the Prophets” Is the Holy Spirit a She? Written on July 11, 2019. Posted in Bible prophecy, End of the age, GEO POLITICS, Holy Spirit. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine ..." Episcopal Church of the USA, Scripture Continue reading