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Netanyahu banned from top law enforcement appointments – High Court

JPost: The High Court of Justice ruled on Thursday that Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit has the authority to make a conflict of interests settlement with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that the provisions of this settlement are binding.

“Awake, and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and Lord.” Psalm 35:23 NIV

The verdict was handed down by a panel of three judges, headed by High Court Chief Justice Esther Hayut. The decision came following a petition filed by the Movement for Quality of Government.

The rules of the agreement would ban Netanyahu from interfering in the appointment of senior officials, particularly in law enforcement government positions. This would include the appointment of a new attorney general, state prosecutor, police commissioner as well as judges to the Jerusalem District Court – where Netanyahu’s trial is being held – and the Supreme Court, where his trial could eventually reach on appeal. Read More …

Senate confirms transgender man ‘Rachel’ Levine to HHS post

LifeSite: The U.S. Senate voted 52 to 48 Wednesday to confirm Pennsylvania Health Secretary Richard “Rachel” Levine, a man “identifying” as a woman, to be assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the Biden administration.

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Every Democrat voted in favor of Levine, joined by liberal, pro-abortion Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine.

Conservative critics have argued that, as a so-called “trans woman” who endorses and promotes the notion that individuals can change their “gender identity” at will, Levine lacks the medical credibility and objectivity to be entrusted with hot-button transgender issues. He has been a longtime, outspoken proponent of “gender affirmation” and “sex reassignment” treatment for minors. In a 2017 lecture, he endorsed puberty-blockers to gender-confused children throughout puberty, followed by “sex change” surgery at 18. While transgender surgery “usually” is performed only on adults, Levine said “there are exceptions.”

Last month, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed Levine for his refusal “to say, absolutely, minors shouldn’t be making decisions to amputate their breasts or to amputate their genitalia.” Read More

Are We Staring At A Coming Systemic Breakdown & The End Of Capitalism?

Zero Hedge: For any problems they face, governments all over the world are now conditioned to simply deficit spend or issue new $trillions in ‘thin air’ currency.

Respected financial analyst Michael Every suspects we’re closer than most realize.

As governments continue to flood the world with debt-funded stimulus, they not only fan the flames under the social powderkeg of wealth inequality, but they are destroying their own powers in the process.

Up until the Great Financial Crisis, a dollar in new federal debt issued resulted in more than $1 in incremental GDP. But no longer:

That indicates the government is now at the ‘pushing on a string’ phase: it can’t grow out of its problems. Issuing new debt only digs the insolvency hole deeper at this point…

Election Chaos: ‘Not on my watch’: Smotrich rules out cooperation with Islamist Ra’am party

Times of Israel: Religious Zionism head Bezalel Smotrich on Thursday appeared to rule out any parliamentary cooperation with the Ra’am party, dismissing “irresponsible voices” that say a right-wing coalition could be built with the support of the Islamist party.

” So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him, and Esau said in his heart,The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then I will kill my brother Jacob.” Genesis 27:41

His comments further narrow Netanyahu’s already slim prospects for building a majority coalition.

“There will be no right-wing government based on Mansour Abbas’s Ra’am party. Period,” Smotrich wrote on Facebook. “The irresponsible voices of some right-wing elements in recent days who support such reliance… reflect dangerous confusion. Friends, get this out of your head. It will not come about, not on my watch.”

Joe Biden Puts Kamala Harris in Charge of Migrant Crisis: ‘I Can Think of Nobody Who Is Better Qualified’

Breitbart: President Joe Biden announced Wednesday his plan to put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the migrant crisis on the southern border.

”I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this,” Biden said after making the announcement at the White House

And Kamala laughs …

Tight Israeli vote means Arab Islamist could choose next PM

AP News: After a hard-fought election, an Arab Islamist could choose Israel’s next prime minister. You read that correctly.

“Edom may say, “Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins” Malachi 1:4

Tuesday’s elections have left a razor-thin margin between a right-wing coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a diverse array of parties bent on ousting him.

To prevail, each side may need the support of an Arab Islamist party that appears to have clinched just five seats in the 120-member Knesset but is not committed to either, according to near-final results.

That means the United Arab List, known by the Hebrew name Ra’am, could decide whether Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, remains in office. Read More

New pro-abortion slogan: ‘We will fight, we will win, put the fetus in the bin!’

LifeSite News: Anyone who has done pro-life activism on the frontlines knows that no matter what abortion supporters do, the media will do their best to cover for them — and no matter what pro-life activists do, the media will attempt to portray it in a bad light.

“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” Genesis 6:5

I remember one incident years ago when we held a pro-life event in downtown Vancouver in front of the Art Gallery. We had a large team of activists doing outreach, mics set up for speeches, and a small crowd gathered. A swarm of abortion activists soon showed up with crude signs, foul mouths, and few clothes. One young woman protested topless. The reporters who had showed up to take photos and interviews decided to spike the story. They’d come to catch pro-life activists with their pants down and found the abortion activists with their pants off.

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Every activist I know could tell hundreds of similar stories. Abortion activists dress as genitalia; sketch pornographic drawings on signs; tell pro-lifers they’d like to “eat the fetuses because they’re tasty”; and insist that they find abortion fun. I’ve heard every form of abortion joke there is, and been sworn at in every imaginable way. Read More

Biden Torpedoes Abraham Accords Summit

Tablet Mag: Mdia reports on March 18 revealed that the United Arab Emirates has suspended its plans for an Abraham Accords summit in Abu Dhabi with Israel, the United States, and other Arab signatories to the historic peace agreements brokered by the Donald Trump administration.

“For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.” 1 Thess. 5:3

Supposedly, the Emiratis are angry with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for using the UAE’s de facto leader Mohammed bin Zayed as a “prop in his election campaign.”

In fact, as the theme of “election interference” should make clear (the UAE doesn’t have elections), and as has been substantiated by Israeli reporting, the source of the upset isn’t in Abu Dhabi but in Washington. In other words, the Biden administration is interfering in Israel’s upcoming election by strong-arming the Emiratis into publicly distancing themselves from Bibi. Read More

Burning the candle at both ends: Killing the pre-born and the elderly

LifeSite: Back in 2019, LifeSiteNews reported on data indicating that Spain was experiencing what some called a “demographic suicide.” According to the Spanish National Statistical Institute, during the first six months of that year, 215,478 citizens died, while only 170,074 were born. During the same year, Spain had an abortion rate of 11.53 per 1,000 women. It was the lowest birthrate in 80 years. A death rate higher than the birth rate was not only demographic decline — it was a death spiral.

“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image” Genesis 9:6 ESV

In nation after nation, legalized abortion combined with the collective decision not to reproduce has resulted in aging populations. This, in turn, has placed enormous strain on the healthcare system, as an increasingly smaller pool of taxpayers funds a rapidly growing number of elderly people needing more care. Combined with the fact that people are living longer, predictable crises have arisen — in accessibility (or presence) of long-term care, palliative care, and the funds necessary to sustain a healthcare system in nations where the population is not replacing itself.

In response to this, Western nations have begun to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide.” Read More


Elon Musk says people can now buy a Tesla with bitcoin

CNBC: The automaker last month revealed that it had bought $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin.

  • People outside the U.S. will be able to buy a Tesla with bitcoin “later this year.”
  • In order to accept the payment, Elon Musk said Tesla is using “internal” and “open source software.”

SpaceX owner and Tesla CEO Elon Musk poses as he arrives on the red carpet for the Axel Springer Awards ceremony, in Berlin, on December 1, 2020.

The automaker last month revealed that it had bought $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin and that it would soon start accepting the world’s most popular cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

“You can now buy a Tesla with Bitcoin,” tweeted Musk, who was officially made the “Technoking of Tesla” this month.

support page on Tesla’s website explains how customers can pay for a Tesla using the digital currency. The company’s electric vehicles typically cost between $37,990 and $124,000 before tax. Read More