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CHILLING: California Police Reform Bill May Ban Christians From Law Enforcement

PJ Media: Police officers have a duty to protect all citizens, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other identity. Governments have an interest in preventing violent criminals and members of the Ku Klux Klan from joining police forces. Yet a new bill supposedly aimed at preventing gang members from joining law enforcement could prevent conservative Christians from taking the blue or result in their firing.

“A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor, but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days.” Proverbs 28:16 ESV

California Assembly Bill 655 would require police departments to investigate whether not potential cops had “engaged in membership in a hate group, participation in hate group activities, or public expressions of hate.” It would make such activities “grounds for termination.”

When Americans think of a “hate group,” many minds would conjure up a domestic terrorist group motivated by racial animus like the Ku Klux Klan. Yet some transgender activists and organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) use the term “hate group” as an epithet to demonize their political and ideological opposition. The SPLC has become notorious for branding mainstream conservative and Christian groups as “hate groups” because they advocate against same-sex marriage or transgender activism.

Assembly Member Ash Kalra, the author of A.B. 655, told PJ Media that he does not intend his bill to “curtail freedom of religious views or political affiliations — conservative or otherwise.” He acknowledged that the bill’s “definitions are a work in progress.” If so, he should seriously reconsider the definition of “hate group.”

A.B. 655 defines a “hate group” as “an organization that, based upon its official statements or principles, the statements of its leaders, or its activities, supports, advocates for, or practices the denial of constitutional rights of, the genocide of, or violence towards, any group of persons based upon race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.

History | Alliance Defending Freedom


That definition seems reasonable, but it can easily encompass mainstream conservative Christian organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). Read More

Jared Kushner’s curious change of heart

JNS News: With the Biden administration having re-empowered Palestinian aggressors against Israel, Kushner has shown that he doesn’t grasp the significance of what he helped achieve with the Abraham Accords.

“The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.” Dent. 28:7

Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of President Donald Trump, was a senior foreign-policy adviser in the Trump administration. Now an op-ed by Kushner published in The Wall Street Journal has caused jaws to drop.

Kushner was a key mover behind the Abraham Accords between Israel and the Gulf States. This agreement, brokered by Trump, was the most significant move towards peace in the Middle East for the best part of a century.

In parallel, Trump’s U.S. withdrawal in May 2018 from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, coupled with the reimposition of sanctions and more severe ones later added, was gradually bringing the fanatical and genocidal Iranian regime to its knees.

In parallel, Trump’s U.S. withdrawal in May 2018 from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, coupled with the reimposition of sanctions and more severe ones later added, was gradually bringing the fanatical and genocidal Iranian regime to its knees.

What Is the Iran Nuclear Deal? | Council on Foreign Relations

On Iran, the Biden administration has declared its intention to rejoin the nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. This effectively gave a green light to an Iranian nuclear bomb with only a few years’ delay. It also funneled billions of dollars into Iran’s coffers, enabling it to ramp up its regional power grab, and pursue terrorism and wars by proxy in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq and Yemen.

Restarting this deal would be a disaster. Yet Kushner’s article was a paean of praise to Biden for his approach. Read More

The bond market rebels as it adjusts to the Federal Reserve’s inflation policy


  • The bond market had a wild ride on Thursday, reacting to the Fed’s willingness to permit the economy and inflation to run hot as the job market recovers.
  • Strategists say that the market had initially responded to the Fed’s dovishness and forecast for no rate hikes through 2023.
  • By Thursday morning, rising inflation was the top concern. The bond market reacted dramatically to the Fed’s policy to allow it to run above its 2% target.

Chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell testifies during the Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing examining the quarterly CARES Act report to Congress on September 24, 2020, in Washington, DC.

Biden ‘announces’ it’s ‘President Harris’

WND: President Biden, providing an update Thursday about the fight against the coronavirus, announced there is a “President Harris.”

“When President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that tour injecting people, giving vaccinations, said that each shot was like administering a dose of hope, a dose of hope,” he said. “That’s how she phrased it.”

The Red State blog called it an “absolute cringe” moment but noted that on at least three occasions last year, either Biden or Harris mistakenly referred to the then-senator as the next president.

President Kamala Harris

China Rebukes Biden’s Foreign Policy Team; Cites ‘Black Lives Matter’ on U.S. Human Rights Abuses

Breitbart: Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi rebuked U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan during a meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, on Thursday, citing the Black Lives Matter movement on U.S. human rights abuses.

The summit was the first bilateral meeting between the two countries under President Joe Biden, who has traditionally been soft on Beijing, and has struggled to balance a desire to break with Trump’s tough policies with the need for a strong stance.

He also claimed that the U.S. had “deep-seated” human rights problems:

China is firmly opposed to U.S. interference in China’s internal affairs … On human rights, we hope the United States will do better on human rights. China has made steady progress in human rights, and the fact is that there are many problems within the United States regarding human rights, which is admitted by the U.S. itself as well. … The challenges facing the United States in human rights are deep-seated. They did not just emerge over the past four years, such as “Black Lives Matter.” It did not come up only recently.

Read More

Nolte: Joe Biden Breaks Promise to Not Raise Taxes on ‘Anybody’ Making Less Than $400K

Breitbart: As a candidate, His Fraudulency Joe Biden pledged not to raise taxes on “anybody” making $400,000 or less. On Wednesday, the White House basically announced Biden had lied. Akshually, the number is more like $200,000.

“If a man vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a pledge, he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.” Numbers 3-:2 ESV

Back in August, during an interview with far-left ABC News, Biden declaratively said, “I will raise taxes for anybody making over $400,000.

“So no new taxes for anyone under $400,000?” the interviewers asked. Biden responds, “No new taxes. There’s no need for new taxes.”

Heed Trump's Warning - POLITICO Magazine

Naturally, Biden was responding to a question about Trump warning people that Biden would raise their taxes — a warning that is now proving to be 100 percent accurate.

My, my, what a difference an election makes… Read More

Ron DeSantis Slams Critical Race Theory and Emphasizes Civics

PJ Media: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken to the state level what parents in many states are fighting at the local level with their school boards. With the pandemic forcing many children to take classes remotely, the nationwide protests and riots during the summer of 2020, and the launch of the 1619 Project, parents have become aware of the radical ideas schools are imparting to their children.

“And He has made from one [a]blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.” Acts 17:26

“One of the threats involves content based on critical race theory, which claims that America is fundamentally racist and people are either oppressed or oppressors based solely on their racial identity.”

During a press conference in Naples, Florida, DeSantis made clear what schools in Florida would be teaching. It is not any curriculum based on critical race theory.

“Florida’s civics curriculum will incorporate foundational concepts with the best materials, and it will expressly exclude unsanctioned narratives like critical race theory and other unsubstantiated theories,” DeSantis said at a press conference Wednesday in Naples, calling that and other theories “politicized academic fads.”

“Let me be clear, there’s no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory,” he said. “Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”

He also announced an incentive for teachers to take training in the statewide civics program. Teachers will receive a $3,000 bonus if they get certified. The curriculum supports graduating seniors taking a civics test similar to those taken in the citizenship process. Some of us are old enough to remember when this was required to graduate, even in left-wing California. Governor DeSantis bringing it back to Florida is fantastic news.

Memo: Biden Administration Aims to ‘Reset’ Relations with the Palestinian Authority

Jewish Press: The Biden-Harris administration is looking to hit the reset button with the Palestinian Authority, including the return to a more traditional (and consistently failed) position on a two-state solution, while rolling back several significant Trump administration positions on Israel.

“The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me.” Leviticus 25:23

The four-page memo, titled, “The U.S. Palestinian Reset and the Path Forward,” was obtained by The National, an English-language news outlet based in the United Arab Emirates. It was reportedly presented to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on March 1 by the acting assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs Joey Hood, and drafted by deputy assistant secretary of state for Israeli-Palestinian affairs Hady Amr and his team.

According to the memo, the Biden administration will seek to achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace under a two-state solution framework “based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed land swaps and agreements on security and refugees.”

U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands after Trump’s address at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem May 23, 2017. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun


While the Trump administration endorsed the concept of a two-state solution, critics considered Trump’s plan for Mideast peace, unveiled in January 2020, as ignoring long-held Palestinian Authority demands and being more favorable towards Israel. Read More

Kerry Caught Not Wearing Mask On Flight. He Claims It Was Only A Moment; Witness Claims That’s Not True.

PJ Media: Democrat John Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, was photographed not wearing a mask today while flying in first class and reading a book.

“A faithful witness does not lie,
But a false witness will utter lies.” Proverbs 14:12

The Tennessee Star reported that Kerry was not eating or drinking when he had his mask off as he waited for the American Airlines flight to take off from Boston to Washington. “He was simply flaunting Biden’s mandatory mask policy.” Read More
